Everything is going good for us even if two Spirits went Inverse we were able to manage that but.....


Right now I am in one of the Ratotskar hidden observatory.

Kanazuki: It will be done soon Commander.

Reine: Yes it will be and looks like Shin's date is going good.

Kotori: Good.

Kanazuki: Commander when will you date your bro- AAAH!!!!~

I stepped on him and snapped my fingers and called some guys to took him.

Kotori: Go dig a 500 meter deep hole and fill it again then dig again!!!!

Kanazuki: Thank You Commander!!!!!

This guy!!!!

Shido POV

I was in amusement park with Natsumi enjoying the Roller Coaster.

(A random reader: ROAD ROLLER DA!!!!!)

Did someone said something? Probably no.

(Timeskip brought you by chibi Shido and chibi Natsumi enjoying the Roller Coaster.)

Now it was night time and I was in Ratotskar hidden observatory idk Kotori called me for a weekly check and all the girls were there.

Reine: Done. You are okay Shin.

Shido: Arigato Ms. Reine.

Reine: Your Welcome.

Kaguya: Just don't go berserk like last time.

Yuzuru: Concern We are concern for you Shido.

All the girls: Yes Shido.

Shido: Thank You all of you.

Then the speakers got activated.

[Kanazuki]: Commander and all of you please come towards control room. There is a something unusual happening.

All of us: Huh?

We then went towards Command Room.

We then entered the Command Room.

Kanazuki: Commander there is something unusual happening!!!

Kotori: A Spacequake?

Kanazuki: Probably but its not happening on Earth.

Kotori: Then Mars?

Kanazuki: No.

Kotori: Moon?

Kanazuki: No.

Kotori: Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Neptune any planet is Solar System!?!?!?

Kanazuki: No-No-No-NO!!!! It's happening on the core of the solar system...

Our eyes widen. Another Spirit well let's Start with our date.

Theme Starts

3rd POV


When first Spirit appreared it brought total destruction in the Eurasian Continent.

The reason was the Spirit Formula that the first Three founding members of Deus Ex Machina created.

The first Spirit [Deus] was created artificially but now an event is happening which will shock all the countries on Earth.

An event which have a 1/70000000000000000 chance.

An event of a Lifetime.

Now all the magical energy around Sun is coming together in one place.

That's right the event which happens 30 years ago on Earth is happening again but this time naturally.

Looks like nature is making its own new creation...

Now all the Spirit Manas are gathering at one place and now a white ball is forming... And now...



Now in the middle of the Sun itself a being is standing


He raised his hands and Sun Started glowing more.

That's right that being is the strongest being in the System. The Ruler of Sun. The Balancer of the Solar System. The Sun itself.

That's right the new Spirit has appeared and this time...

Get ready DEM... Get Ready Ratotskar... Get ready Spirits... Get ready Earth... Get ready Mio Takamiya... Because...


The Spirit of Sun has arrived.

Hope you guys like it😊
I will try to post the new chapter soon.
Stay Safe and Healthy.
Bye Guys🙋‍♂️

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