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Wilbur felt his phone buzz from the upteempth discord message from Tommy. He ignored it, going back to his laptop.

Some Netflix movie he didn't bother knowing the name of played on the tv as he edited stream highlights. He would usually do his editing at the office, but it was late and, despite the short walk, really didn't want to have the face harsh cold the British winters brought.

His phone dinged again and he contemplated throwing it out the window.

Instead he sighed, saving his minimal editing progress to check his discord messages. Unsurprisingly, majority of them were from Tommy.

tommy: Wilbur
tommy: WILBUR
tommy: dad is going to kill you u
tommy: @wilbur
tommy: you dick answr or im going to call you and compain ti phil
tommy: you dumb bitch ANSWER HFJ
tommy: @wilbur
tommy: @wilbur
tommy: @wilbur
tommy: dickhead!
tommy: i will tell niki some VERY embarrassing stories of you
tommy: @wilbur
tommy: bitch

Wilbur snorted at his pseudo younger brother, typing a quick response.

wilbur: what you gremlin child im attempting to enjoy my evening
tommy: im so sorry to interrupt your time with your right hand bUT jump into VC2 techno is boring

Wilbur rolled his eyes at Tommy's message, but didn't respond. He pulled discord up on his laptop and entered into the SMP discord. He found the VC2 tab, Phil, Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo were already there.

He quickly muted the tv, throwing the remote across the couch.

When he entered the call his ears were assaulted with the child-like screaming of Tommy.

"Take that you bitch!" Tommy yelled, much too energetic at eleven pm.

Tubbo made a few unintelligible noises in response and Phil laughed at both of them. Wilbur snorted, placing his laptop onto the coffee table so he could stretch his legs out.

"Total warfare today boys," Techno grumbled. Phil chuckled.

"Are you guys on the server?" Wilbur asked.

"No," Tubbo laughed. "Playing bedwars-"

"And sucking big dick at it."

"Tommy!" Phil exclaimed, exasperated. 

Wilbur laughed at their antics. He personally didn't feel like logging on, partly because his laptop always seemed to shit out when he had Minecraft running on calls, and partly because he much rather lay down on his couch and laugh at Tommy's insults towards unknowing players.

"Dadza are you almost done editing?" Tubbo asked, a small yelp following with a loud laugh from Tommy.

"Uh, yeah I think. I might go onto the server and do some off camera work for the next stream though." Phil answered. Wilbur could hear the older man's chair creaking slightly as he most likely stretched his back.

"Boring; you just want porridge." Tommy shouted, causing everyone - except Phil - to laugh.

There was a shuffling noise from Tommy's side and a shouted 'sorry mum!' which made Techno snicker.

"Dumb baby child gets told off for being too loud." Techno monotonously jokes.

Tommy scoffed. "Yeah okay Big Man you're just a pig. Oink, oink pig boy."

Wilbur tuned out the rest of the conversation, his head lolled to the muted tv. The movie that he left on seemed to be almost over and as much as he loved hanging out with his friends, the sleep deprivation was catching up to him.

bed bug hickies - wilbur soot x male!readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें