Chapter 3

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Saturday rolled around faster than Harry would have liked.

Harry was correct in his assumption, that his Dad and Sirius would throw adult hissy fits. It had been quite funny for Harry actually. Watching their , James and Sirius, faces turn from calmness for shock and anger in less than 5 seconds. The yelling that came with the hissy fits, was astonishing...... To any one outside the Potter family circle.


Harry was making his way down the stairs to the full living room. He slept in more than he would have liked, but with him staying up until almost 3:00 in the morning, he couldn't help it. It was currently 12:30 in the afternoon. Harry was thinking about how in merlins beard, he would tell his family about the predicament accruing on Saturday. Of course, he knew that his parents had nothing against the Prince family, well maybe except their son, who Harry happened to be dating, just Harry's luck.

Harry decided he would be straightforward, no point in leading them on. Right?


How utterly wrong he was.

As made his way to the living room, he was starting to loose his confidence, which took most of the morning ( which wasn't long) to acquire. As Harry entered the room he realized his whole 'family' was there. This shocked Harry, as Remus and Sirius weren't supposed to be there until before supper. 'Just my luck, I guess' Harry thought.
"Hey cub"
" Oh hey, Siri. I thought you and Remy weren't coming until before supper?"
"Oh ya, we decided to pop in earlier. You sound upset about it, is everything ok?"
"Ya I'm fine, just shocked is all"

Harry never put it past Sirius to notice when he was upset, even when his parents didn't. It was likely that Sirius had a sixth sense when it came to his emotions. Sirius could almost always know when Harry wasn't happy. Sirius seemed to able to sit his with the people closest to him, which, luckily, included Harry, James, Lily, and Remus.

"Anyway I wanted to tell you guys something, so guess it is better that Remy and Siri are here. Anyway, as I know Remy and Siri will most likely be here over the weekend, as they almost always are"

At this comment he got a chuckle out of James, a small smile out of Lily, a furious blush out of Sirius, and a smirk out of Remus.

"I just wanted to tell you that Alex and his family are coming over on Saturday, he owled a couple nights ago asking if they could, I said yes, sorry for not telling you earlier. His parents want to talk to you guys I think. I hope that's fine with you guys.."

And then the screaming started. Most of the screaming was along the lines of 'Saturday! As in 2 day from now?! ' And you didn't bother telling us this earlier, why?!' ' You didn't bother asking first?!' ' No absolutely not!'. The house was in chaos. Most of the screaming, as predicted, coming form James and Sirius.

"Guys chill! It's only for an afternoon! Don't get your knickers in a twist over something so simple!"
" Don'tget my... Don't get my knickers in a twist?! Harry! The Prince family and their stank son are come giver on Saturday! I'll my knickers in a twist if I want!"
"Don't talk about Alex like that....! Besides it's not that big of a deal, they're just coming for an afternoon to talk to you guys! It's not like they're coming to kidnap me! Or coming to collect money you owe them, so, for the sake of Merlin, calm down!"

This defiantly put a stop to all bickering that was going on. Harry usually didn't shout that much. Although Harry really I'd agree with James, he didn't want to seem suspicious, why? No one knows. In fact, Harry didn't think Alex stunk, not in the smell part though, hell, Alex smelt like cinnamon most of the time. No, it was his personality's that made him stink, they were clashing, aggressiveness and possessiveness, not a good combo.

" I know you don't like Alex, but please, don't go bonkers over this, heck, I don't want this as much as you guys—....oops..."
" You don't want them to come over?"
"Not really..."

Shit. This is exactly what Harry didn't want. How the hell was he going to explain himself?! It's not everyday you learn your son doesn't exactly like his boyfriend.!

"Well... uh... well, it's a week until I go away with them, and I wanted to spend the weekend with you guys...?"

Great lie Harry, great lie.

"Uh huh.. Anyway, I think it's absolutely fine if Alex and his family come over for a bit. Right James?" Lilly added sharply

"Huh? Wait.. oh yeah.... great idea.."

-End of flashback-

And that brings the 'family' to now. Eating not so patently for the Prince family to arrive.

Harry looked over at the clock hung on the wall over the archway to the kitchen. '9:55' is what it read. 'Five more minutes' Harry thought.

After 5 more minutes of waiting, the blazing fire, that definitely wasn't needed in the summer weather, turned an emerald green, almost the shade of Harry's eyes, maybe just a bit lighter, and out stepped, the known around the whole of Britain, the Prince family.

"Mr. Potter Mrs. Potter, it's a pleasure to finally meet you". Said the oldest male Prince with a nod.

Published Jan 15th, 7:13 pm, 2021
927 words

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