Words And Thoughts

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"Kudos to that speech!" Ezra clapped with a cheer. "I second it!"

Depa giggled at her grand-Padawan's reaction then she made her way to her former Padawan. She placed her hands on his shoulders, causing him to turn and face her.

"Master, I—"

"No, Caleb," Depa shook her head. "I mean, Kanan. There is no need to say anything. All I can say is that... I'm proud of you. And these little ones," She set a hand on each of the twins and ruffled their hairs. "are lucky to have you as their mother,"

Kanan's eyes widened, but he smiled and tried his hardest not to break down in front of his former Master. "Th-Thank you, Master,"

"We're all proud of you, kid," They all turned to see Grey step forward, with Styles right behind him. "Well, you're definitely not a kid anymore,"

"Grey... Styles..." Kanan was speechless, almost taking a step back instinctively.

"I swear, Kanan, if you faint again, I'm gonna drag you back to the med-bay by the legs," Ezra grumbled, a hand traveling to his stomach to gently pat it (secretly assuring his own twins, which were kicking like crazy again).

Rex immediately saw the signs and ran to his husband's side. He wrapped an arm around him and held his hand, giving it a small squeeze.

"Kanan, it's okay," he assured him. "It's alright, love. They don't have their chips anymore, you hear me? Grey and Styles don't have their chips anymore,"

Kanan didn't even realize his breathing was starting to speed up until he started to slow down. He leaned back on his spouse and let out a few deep breaths.

Depa frowned but trusted her former Padawan to the older clone. She let the twins run to their male mother then she turned to help her former Master up on his feet.

"I have a feeling that you have assumed wrong on Kanan's attachment," she told him as soon as he was standing.

Mace dusted himself off with a huff but folded his arms and turned to watch the scene unfold. He watched as Kanan finally straightened up and smiled over at the clones. This made the Jedi Master sigh.

"I... I suppose I may have overreacted my assumption..."


It took a while, but after a few minutes, the air was finally calm, and the noise of happy chattering occupied the conjoined house. Kanan, Cal and Code was with Depa, Mace, Grey and Styles in the dining room, having tea while chattering.

Rex, on the other hand, was with the rest of his vod in the living room, along with Ezra, who watched the reunions with a smile.

His plan for the reunions was going better than he thought.

"... and when Wolffe tried to call back to make dem Imperials leave, he was so flustered that it was hard not to roll back and laugh!" Rex recalled with a laugh. "Before I left, though, Gregor and I couldn't stop teasing him about it!"

"Wolffe? Flustered?" Cody joined in the laughter.

"I never thought that someone like Wolffe would EVER get flustered!" Fives sniggered. "It's like saying Dogma was gonna run around and act like Hardcase!"

"As if I'll ever be as crazy as this lunatic," Dogma chuckled, pointing to his brother.

"Hey!" Hardcase pouted childishly, causing everyone else to laugh.

As they continued to share stories, Rex felt the teen's eyes on them. He turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"Something wrong, kid?"

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