"i belive it is thats to the faith of the RFA, id like to thank (Y/N) in particular for there hard work"

I blush slightly at the praise – as the rest of the RFA look over. Looking down at my feet blushing darker causing a slight chuckle to come from Zen.

"I have a news many of you wouldn't expect - id like to introduce a new member of the RFA. I should have dissucused it beforehand with the rest but time wasnt on my side"

This caused the RFA to look up again, the male has a slightly smirk on his face. As he motions behind him the whole of the RFA stand there tense as the mutter how they are feeling. First is Jumin

"a new memeber? but he did not discuss anything with us"

Then Yoosung

"i think my skin is crawling right now"

I nod slightly at Yoosung statement as the stilloute of a male can be seen at the back of the stage – his anxous fiddiling of his suit makes me squint my eyes. He seems too nervous for someone joining a chairity organisation.

"Please give a round of appluse for our newest memeber"

V states as the male walks out slowly, as my eyes land on his face I feel myself pale. The talk of the guests behind me only slightly catching my attention.

"..huh? His face"

As I study the familiar male on the stage I struggle to keep my tears at bay as the familiar man stands in front of me, the red head stood two people away from me with the same shocked expression im wearing. After a short moment the red head next to me snaps out of the daze he is in and runs up to the stage.


The male looks over at the red head with a supprised look on his face, as Saeyoung hits the stage his amber eyes wide as he stands face to face with the twin he thought was dead.

""Your Saeran arnt you? it must be you!"

The smile on the red heads face is larger than it had been probably ever. His eyes water slightly as he pulls the male in the pink suit into a tight hug.

"Your alive. thank you so much for being alive!"

His voice stutters slightly as his emotions take over his mind – hugging the male tighter. V looks at the pair smiling brightly

"see i told you there was no need to worry"

The red head lets go off his sibling for a second, studying the male in front of him. Last time he had saw him he had red hair and amber eyes identical to his but now he has bleached hair with pink tips and mint eyes.

"it must be you! say something.. saeran.. saeran. it feels like you'd go away if i hold you. dont go away! dont you ever leave me now!"

The male holds onto his twin again, as he looks over his shoulder at the mint haired male behind them.

"thank you v, you have my gratitude for eternity. You saved my brother didnt you!?"

The tears run down the pale face as V smiles slightly;

"im sorry i hurt him in the first place"

The white haired male moves away from his twins grip, finally finding his voice.

"... you remembered me. Even though my face is.. liek what it is now"

The look on the red heads face is enough to melt anyones heart, complete surprise and shock. Its only when zen reaches up and wipes my cheek do I relise ive been crying the whole time. V looks back down at the rest of the members on the floor, a smile forms on his face as he turns back around to the re-united twins.

"I think.. there is someone else who is happy to see you Saeran"

As the pair turns I watch the mint eyes I had fallen in love with fall onto me, and a small smile forms on his lips. Completely unaware of the RFA next to me I noticed every change in the male, he had now put on weight and was no longer skeleton thin. His eyes seemed brighter than they ever had – even brighter than when we were in the garden together.

Im pulled out of the daze as Zen pushes me slightly, blinking I look around to see his smirking face. I blush dark and turn my back on the stage as zen continues to smirk at me, removing my eyes from the albino that was getting annoying I notice even Jumin is wearing a smile. The guests had all removed themselves and were in different parts of the room talking to each other.

As I watch the scene in front of me I cant help but smile, I knew behind me the twins had reunited, we had V back so the RFA was finally one. I watch as Jumin and Ze start to biker with a smile on their face, much different from the pair I had met when I was tricked into the RFA. Jaehee and Yoosung Were discussing Yoosungs plans for after college – and Jaehee is trying to talk him away from Joining C&R. I laugh gently as I watch Jumin hear this and walk over – zen following behind. My laugh is mimicked by someone behind me – turning I see the twins and V stood there. Vs face seems to light up as he watches his best friend joke around with the other members.

"I didn't realise this much could change in 2 years.. you really are a miracle maker (Y/N)"

I bite my lip slightly as I turn to look at the group again, yes over the last two years I had shown all of them the correct direction but I didn't help them walk it.. they did it again.

"I did nothing.. I just showed them what was wrong.. they fixed it themselves"

I hear a chuckle, turning again a red head puts his arm arounds my shoulder and with his other points at me with a smirk on his face. The rest of the RFA join us and V looks at him bewildered

"never thinking highly of herself.. this girl here is a miracle maker"

Blushing gently I look down, I know for a fact zen is smirking right now. As Saeyoung removes his hands I look up, just as saeran walks over and engulfs me in a hug.


I hug him back without a thought, smelling his familiar scent of flowers as his hair tickles my cheeks. I blush ever so slightly as I close my eyes taking in the warmth I had missed from him.


I mimic him quietly, I feel his cheeks heat up as he pulls away slightly. Still standing close he cups my cheek and leans in. As our lips touched the RFA cheer behind us causing me to laugh slightly into his lips. As we pull away I hug him again – finally the RFA was complete.. and my love was back.

mystic messenger one shotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя