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(This is kind of an intense one)

Taeyong P.O.V

As much as Taeyong wanted to say things were going well at work, they weren’t. In fact they were getting worse. He was jam packed with work and was barely getting any sleep. His situation with Uri wasn’t better either. He thought things would naturally work themselves out, but no. They kept getting worse and worse. 

At first it was just negative comments and feedback but things started to turn physical. Uri would push him into things when people weren’t looking and whenever they had physical scenes together he always held onto him too tightly leaving marks. He wanted to tell Jaehyun about this but honestly he was afraid of Uri. 

Back in school he was known as being a bully but even more than that there was always something weird about him. Whenever he beat someone, especially Taeyong he always had this sadistic look on his face. He took immense joy in watching them suffer and always made sure to make their beatings slow and painful. And when they would dissect things in Biology he would get super into it. People thought he might be a psycho and Taeyong thought so too.

They had finished recording early today. Taeyong was so excited he had a couple hours before Mark got home. He could catch up on some sleep and surprise his son by being home early. He’s usually not there for a couple hours and Mark goes over to Doyoungs or Lucas comes over to watch him.

“Taeyong, Uri could you come here!” Dahyun called the two over.

Taeyong stood uncomfortably by Uri but held a smile on his face. 

“What is it?” he asked.

“Nothing much. I was just re-watching your footage the other day and saw that the scenes with you too are a little… how should I put this awkward. Taeyong you seem to be kind of uncomfortable”. 

Was it that obvious? 


“Nonsense” Uri interrupted him, “I’m sure Taeyong is just nervous since me and him don’t normally go over our lines together like him and Baekhyun do” he smiled.

“If that’s the case, do you think you two could try going through your lines together soon. I’d love to re-do some of your scenes if you don’t mind” she smiled.

Before Taeyong could say anything Uri wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Making Taeyong too scared to talk.

“Of course we could. We were just going to practise at Taeyongs. Right?” he squeezed Taeyongs arm harshly making him nod his head.

“Sounds great” she leaves. 


Taeyong felt like throwing up. They were both sitting on his couch in his living room. Mark wasn’t coming home for another 40-ish minutes. Uri was looking at him pissed off. 

“I can’t believe I have to be here all because you can’t pull it together”. 

“I didn’t ask you to come”.

Uri tsked at him and got up. He went to his kitchen and opened one of the draws. He came back to the living room with a knife in his hand. 

“W-why do you have that?”

“There’s a knife in the scene dumbass” he sat back down. 

Taeyong forgot there was one used. Still they were only going through lines. Why did he need a prop? not to mention a real sharp ass knife. They sat there for 10 minutes going through the script. Taeyong kept messing up because he would get nervous whenever Uri came close to the knife. 

It was supposed to be a cute scene. Where he said something like I’m hungry but there's nothing here, maybe I’ll just have you instead. But when Uri did it, it just creeped Taeyong out. He stood up shaking his head. 

“I’m sorry but I can’t do this right now”.

Uri got up and grabbed his arm. 

“What’s the matter, girly boy afraid I might actually eat you?” he licked his lips.

Taeyong was disgusted. 

“Don’t call me that! You fucking creep!” Taeyong yelled but instantly regretted it.

Uri got upset and slammed him into the wall. His back hit a sharp edge. He let out a yelp as pain shot up his spine. 

“What did you just call me?”

“A disgusting creep” he groaned out.

Uri only slammed him into the wall again with a smirk on his face. 

“I wouldn’t be acting so tough if I were you seeing as though I have a sharp object in my hand” he trailed the knife along Taeyong's face making him freeze. “Oh, where did all that confidence go?”

Taeyong remained silent. He started to shake as he felt a hand lift up his shirt. 

“You know as much as I hate you” Uri whispered in his ear, “ I have to admit you are very attractive” he moved his hand farther up, “You’d make a cute pet”.

“You’re a psychopath” Taeyong breathed out. 

Taeyong must have hit a nerve because the next thing he felt was the knife slicing his stomach. He hadn’t stabbed him yet the cut was deep. Taeyong yelled in agony before falling to the floor.

“You ever call me that again, you're dead” Uri bent down in front of him and grabbed his hair roughly, “And don’t even think about telling anyone about this or i’ll show you how much of a psycho I can be”.

He pushed Taeyongs head on the floor before getting up and leaving. Taeyong couldn’t move, he could barely think. His head was aching and his stomach wound wasn’t helping. He held his stomach trying to stop the bleeding. He felt weak. Mark was coming home soon. He didn't want him to see him like this but he couldn't even get up right now. His eyes started to close, he was tired. He heard the front door open before everything went black.

Mark P.O.V

Mark had just gotten off the bus from school. He walked home expecting the normal. Lucas was either already going to be there or he was going to call doyoung to come get him. When he got to his house, he took out his key. He unlocked the door surprised to see his papas shoes in the doorway. He didn’t know he came home early. 

“I’m home”.

Mark took off his shoes and threw his backpack before going to the kitchen. He stopped walking when he saw the most horrible sight. 

“Papa!” he screeched. 

He ran over to his papa who was unconscious on the ground. He was scared he wasn’t moving but he got even more terrified when he saw there was blood coming out of him. He started crying. He tried shaking him furiously. 

“Papa!? Papa!? Wake up please. This isn’t funny” he wailed. 

His papa still didn’t move. He looked around panicked, trembling. He saw his papas phone, he grabbed it quickly. He unlocked it with shaky hands and dialed the first number he saw. 

Too PerfectNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ