Observer, Firebrand And Milo

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"So what's our next strategy" the tall shadowed entity asked the shorter one.

"Our next what?" The shorter one known as Observer questioned.

"OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" Firebrand exclaimed panicking.

"I mean yeah we're all going to die one day" Milo stated in a matter of fact tone not looking bothered by the situation.

"YOU'RE NOT HELPING" Firebrand shouted panicking more than what he was a few minutes ago.

At this point Milo and Observer were just talking about anything and everything that began to pop up another heads while Firebrand began to panic so much they thought he might explode.

"Brandy everything is going to be fine" Observer said rolling his eyes.

"We're all going to die down here"

"ooh we should trade scary stories the atmosphere is perfect for it" Milo said smiling.

Observer nodded agreeing with him.

"There are no good parts either" Firebrand mumbled to himself.

"YES" Observer suddenly exclaimed.

Firebrand perked up at this. "What is it" He asked sounding hopeful.

"I found my lighter" Observer smiled holding it up.

Firebrand groaned sinking to the floor in defeat.

"That's it we're going to die down here I'm going to die surrounded by idiots how could this happen why me"

"That's not very nice" Milo said sounding  amused.

"Yeah That's very mean Brandy" Observer stated snorting in laughter.

"And yet you're fucking up my life in every possible way right now Observer"

"Now that's just offensive" the shorter entity stated laughing.

"If what ever trapped us here doesn't kill us I'm going to kill myself" Firebrand stated.

later that day the three of them were able to escape said confine and Firebrand still haven't forgiven the two of them Observer would state that as a typical occurrence.

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