Prologue - Succesfully Avoiding Responsibilities

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"When you feel homesick," he said,

"just look up. Becausethe moon is the same wherever you go."

-Donna Tartt

Harry Kay oversleeps on the first day of school.

I would say that it's a one-time thing, but I can't. He does this every year. It's not necessarily deliberate, it's more like... throwing something at his alarm clock and burying himself under his blankets again, groaning things like 'leave me the fuck alone' and 'I. Don't. Want. To,' even though he knows that being late will result in lunch detention.
Last year, Emma still came to his room in an attempt to wake him up, but this year the hallway stays nicely silent, and Harry peacefully sighs and turns around when he notices the same thing. Until his phone starts ringing.

I half expect him to start cussing the person on the other side of the line out, but when he picks it up, his voice is sugary sweet. "Hi babe," he says, his voice still thick with sleep. It's a sound that half of the campus population would kill to hear, but it's only reserved for one person at this moment: Charlotte St.Clair. The perfect girl, and one half of the perfect couple. In my honest opinion, they don't make such a good couple, but who am I to talk, right?

"Oh shit, I overslept! Sorry!" Harry's voice sounds through the room. It's a convenient effort, but after three years of being here, I can immediately tell that he's not being sincere. I'm quite sure Char can as well because I hear her huff on the other side of the line. Harry groans and flops back on his bed, his dark curls forming a halo around his head. "Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way." He hangs up on the call and lets his phone fall to the ground. With a last, mourning look at his pillow, he gets up and puts his uniform on. I can see him searching for his tie, that is laying at my feet, but he looks straight over it. "It's here!" I say, with a little smirk, but my voice doesn't reach his ears. It never does. At last, his eyes catch upon the yellow tie and he quickly puts it on, only half tying it as he grabs for his backpack and leaves his room. Despite Harry's hurrying, I can already tell he's going to be too late. The juniors and seniors don't sleep on campus. Instead, they are roomed in four buildings that are a few minutes away from the school buildings and the dorms of the freshmen and sophomores, which usually is quite a blessing because it means that we - they - can live a bit more freely. Today, however, the annoyance is obvious on Harry's face as he jogs along the road towards the Piaget building. If you're willing to listen to my educated guess: he's annoyed at himself for staying in his bed, because it meant missing breakfast. Good thinking, lad.

"Ah, Mr. Kay. So nice of you to join us," Mr. Taylor says with a friendly smile that somehow still conveys hostility, and Harry only rolls his eyes as he searches for an empty spot in the classroom. He sits down next to Rafe, making short, heated eye contact with Charlotte in the process. "Blegh," I say as I pull myself up so that I'm sitting on the windowsill, my legs dangling as they bump against the wall.

In my first year here, I was pretty interested in all the educational stuff. I was in the human world! But the novelty quickly wore off, and by now I have gotten a healthy distaste towards mathematics. Really. Who even likes that subject?
I quickly zone out as Mr. Taylor starts talking again, focusing my attention on the students that are assembled in the classroom instead. There aren't a lot of seniors at St. Jude - forty-three in total. Twenty-two of them are present in the class at the moment, and it seems like the whole crew is in it. The 'crew' consists of his royal princeling Harry and his friends. In alphabetical order: Charlotte, Emma, Felicity, Liam and Rafe. Together, the six of them can create quite a wreckage. Trust me, I've seen it. Charlotte, with her light blond hair and green eyes, is quite the image when you first lay eyes on her. But after hearing her speak, that might quickly change. Really, that girl might as well be a 70-year old spinster. Emma and Felicity though, they make up for the bore that is our dear little Char. Emma has white hair and icy blue eyes that have the cool tendency to turn blood red when the light falls down on them just right. When I first saw her, I thought she was a witch of some sort, but by now I know that she is simply cool. No more words needed. Felicity is... complicated. We will come back to her. (No, this is not me deflecting that I barely know anything about her despite my amazing spy-skills.) And then of course, we have Liam and Rafe. There is no other way to describe Liam than 'cute puppy'. Really. He has brown floppy curls that make him look taller than he actually is, and he's always smiling. Need a way to get cheered up? Look for Liam. Rafe has blonde hair that has grown back way quicker than expected since his impulsive buzz cut of last year. His mental age is seven. That is sufficient information, don't you think?

Method to his Madnessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن