PRE VIEW FOR CHAPTER 7😏( play song while you read^)

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I dash out the doors, and look for his car. Gone. He was gone. I fell to my knees, holding the necklace in my hands.This was all my fault. I heard the doors open, maybe someone was leaving early.

"Y/n are you okay?!"A male voice asked.

"I'm okay." I mumbled, trying to hold my tears in.

"Yeah I'm fine." I mumbled getting up,walking back inside.

I walk back inside and I see Karl looking for something. He looks at me and runs to me.

"Did you get the message?!" Karl asked jumping up and down in excitement.

"Dream,sapnap,George,tubbo,and Tommy are coming tomorrow!" Karl exclaimed jumping up and down.

"YAYYAY!"I faked exclaimed.

How could he have just forgotten about what happened 20 minutes ago....Karl was looking at some one. It was Corinna.I felt my heart break a little.I opened my hand and looked at the necklace. Holding back tears,I put the necklace on and tucked it in my dress.

"I got to go to the bathroom,bye." I mumbled walking towards the bathroom.

I walk to the bathroom.I went to the mirror and looked at myself. I look okay, I guess.What was I saying I'm a fucking hot mess, I destroyed some one I loved. I look myself in the mirror. And start crying.

"IM SORRY!" I shouted into the mirror.

"I broke you...." I mumbled under my breath.

"And I'm so so so sorry..." I mumbled.
I looked at myself in the mirror again. Why can't I just be pretty? Why am I like this?
"WHY AM I SO KIND!" I shouted, smashing my fist into the mirror,luckily it didn't break.

"Everyone just steps all over me...."
I mumbled.
"Am I too nice?! But thats me.You know what.I'm gonna change.Ima stop being the nice fucking person everyone steps all over."

I thought about something,it's the first thing that came too mind.

"That's what I will do..." I said smirking into the mirror.

"Two can play at this game....Karl"

"It took you awhile"( Karlnapity? x Y/n)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat