Four: Death Becomes Her

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The building was covered in a thick layer of grease and grime that turned the bricks sooty and the windows murky. A few of the windows were shattered, their edges jagged and threatening conveying an air of danger to ward off anyone that would be tempted to trespass. The huge double door clattered noisily in the wind that ripped though the building, making an awful shrieking sound as it sailed through the windows.  There were a few other buildings along the street in the same derelict condition, some with heavy iron chains hanging from the door, some with the chains broken and the door ajar, and some with torn white and blue police tape flapping in the breeze.

I was unsure of where I was and how on earth I had gotten here. I was supposed to be dead. Darius had literally just sucked the life out of me so what was I doing on a desolate street alive and alone? Where was Darius?

Feeling vulnerable, I yanked my hood over my head and folded my arms not wanting to touch anything. This place reeked of ill-omens.

I furrowed my brow; none of this made any sense; I had been on my way home, Darius showed up, killed me and now suddenly I’m here. Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe I’m still dreaming.

I felt a spurt of joy at the possibility that my life wasn’t over when I noticed that there was something vital missing. My heart didn’t skip. As a matter of fact, my heart wasn’t beating at all.

“Oh no,” I gasped pressing my hand to my chest, anxious to feel the familiar rhythmic thud. It wasn’t there. I was scared and if I still had a heart beat it would be going extremely fast right now.

 As I pulled my hand away I noticed that it felt a little sticky. I pulled it up to my face to examine it to see that there was blood on it.  I gasped and looked down at my hoody. My stomach lurched at the sight; I was covered in blood. Without a second thought my hand flew to my neck landing on the severed flesh that was still leaking my blood. I flinched from the pain of my hand hitting the wound a little harder than I had intended.

“Damn it!” I cursed and bit down on my lip waiting for the pain to pass. 

No heartbeat meant that I was dead, but if I was dead then why was I here (wherever here was) and why could I still feel? Is this hell?

A streetlamp on my right flickered making me jump. The sound of my Converses scraping across the ground seemed to reverberate off of the buildings highlighting that I was alone, but in the back of my mind I knew that that wasn’t true. I could sense someone else nearby, lurking in the shadows, and I didn’t like it.

I scanned the area again but I couldn’t detect anyone...and then my scar began to tingle. I flinched and awkwardly tried to stroke it without troubling the dripping vampire bite, in the hope that I could soothe it. I knew that it was a stupid idea seeing as I had no control over the scar but I already had enough discomfort to deal with without my scar bothering me too, so I figured that it was worth a shot.

At least I now knew that I wasn’t alone -Darius was here; whether that was a good thing or not I would soon find out.

I felt that complex concoction of irrational devotion and the more-than-rational fear stir in my gut. Darius had killed me –at least I think he did –so now more than ever I was afraid of him, but as usual the need to have him here with me overpowered everything else.

I growled in frustration. Why did I feel like this? Was it because he was insanely hot, that he had a certain ‘bad boy’ charm about him, did I secretly know more about his personality that I was aware of...or was it something to do with him being a psychotic vampire. I was going to go with the latter; it made more sense to me than the rest.

My eyes surveyed the area hoping to spot him. I could feel the excitement of seeing his beautiful face and hearing his melodious voice say my name in the way that only he could building rapidly, and before I could stop myself I called out to him sheepishly like a giddy school girl.

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