The unexpected party

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"Tonight's gonna be so epic! It'll be a night we'll never forget", Mira texted Laila.

Swimming practice at 6 in the morning, school from 8 till 3, robotics team meetings until 5, violin lessons after that, followed by studying till midnight. No matter how perfect a daughter Mira tried to be, her parents would never consider letting her go to a party. She just started junior year and it was about time she took matters into her own hands...

Invitation texts sent? Check. Pizza delivery secured? Check. Cute outfits chosen? Check. Laila and Mira were excitedly discussing the wild party they were about to throw at Laila's on the bus home from school.

All that was left was for Laila's parent's little brother to go over to their grandparents. Of course, to them, Mira was just coming over to "study".

Mira and Laila arrived at their party venue-to-be greeted by the smell of freshly baked cookies. "That looks delicious Mrs. Shamod! What's the occasion?" Mira asked.

"Just to thank you girls for spending your Friday night babysitting Lucas!"

Mira's eyes slowly met Laila's in shock and disbelief. This was her one chance to do something fun. Maybe this was her karma of lying to her parents getting back to her

"C'mon it can't be that bad! My brother usually keeps to himself in his room anyways. We can have a fun girl's night!" Ice cream bowls in hand, Mira and Laila started to watch some movies. Mira realized she didn't need a party to have fun. All she needed was Laila. "Only Laila could make the best out of any situation", Mira thought, "she's closer than family at this point."

Mira's thoughts were interrupted by a thud. Suddenly, the house turned pitch black. As Laila fumbled trying to turn on her phone's flashlight, Mira looked out the windows, realizing the surrounding houses still had lights on. Eerie hissing noises in the background added to the mysterious predicament Mira and Laila found themselves in. What was going on? Concerned for Lucas's safety, they ran upstairs to check in on him.

"Let us in Lucas! Are you okay?"

"I c-can't let you in." Lucas shrieked back. "It sounds like he's hurt!" Laila exclaimed. Mira pushed onto the door with full force, hoping they could save him in time.

Flashlight focused on him, Lucas's face glowing beet red, guilty as ever. Mira soon discovered why, finding a litter of grey kittens in his closet.

"Sorry I think one of them accidentally snagged the lights. Please don't tell mom!"

"Lucas, you scared the crap out of me!" Laila yelled, her anger soon turning into relief, grabbing her brother and giving him a tight hug. Laila and Mira both burst into laughter as they went to the basement to reset the circuit-breaker.

The rest of the night Laila, Mira, and Lucas played with the adorable kittens. And it was true, despite her plans falling apart, this became a special night Mira would never forget. 

The unexpected partyWhere stories live. Discover now