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Y/n's POV
In Y/n dreams and where we left off.

"Try hit the bullseye" James said from behind me. I grab a throwing knife from a table beside me. Elijah waved his hand and a target appeared 8 feet away.

I get into a little stance and hold my hand in front of me. I used my free hand and kept it flat in the air as I pointed it at the target. I throw the knife but it hit the outer ring of the target.

"Not bad for a beginner. First time James threw a knife at a target he nearly hut a faun." Elijah said chuckling. James just poked out his tongue. I giggle at there silliness.

James came up behind me and grabbed my arm pull it behind my head. He grabbed a throwing knife and placed it in my hand. I move my hand to go back to the position I had before but james stopped me and pulled my arm back and repositioned it behind my head.

"Try now" Elijah said. I throw it and it directly hits the bullseye. I smile. The boys nodded grinning. "Now again. Except don't use your free hand. If there's and attack it'll waist time trying to get a perfect angle with your free hand. Learn without it" Elijah instructed

"And keep the position I gave you!" James yelled.

Third person
Y/n trained hard with the boys. Throwing at least 200 knives at the target and each time it would hit the target maybe not the bullseye but it still helped Y/n become confident with them.

"Well it's about time you wake up N/n (Nickname) Your train ride has stopped. See you next time" Elijah said as he waved his hand over Y/n face. And then she feels another jolt.

Back to reality
Y/n wakes up to Edmund shaking her. She looks around and sees her blanket gone and Lucy and Peter waiting for her. She gets up and grabs her suit case. She nods that's she ready to go.

They pile off the train and look around. They hear someone call out there names so they all turn around to be met with their mother.

"My beautiful darlings. How was Professor kirkes?" She asks. Y/n shares a look with Lucy and smile at her. "It was quite wonderful mother" Y/n says answering for her siblings. Their mothers beams at them.

"Come on. Let's go home" She says as she held lucy's hand as we started walking home. It was quite a lovely day as the Pevensie children spoke about how the mansion was always a bit lonely but it was so big and beautiful.

But they missed one little detail, their time in Narnia. The siblings thought that if they tell her mother she wouldn't believe them so the never mention it.

They made it to their little house and the Pevensie children starting unpacking. Y/n shared a room with the boys since it was quite big and fitted at least three beds. While Susan and Lucy slept in the room next door.

As the boys went to help their mother get some fire wood, Y/n started unpacking. The suit case full of weapons turned into it's usual brief case. Y/n grabbed it and put it under her bed.

She finished packing and plopped down on her bed. Why does Aslan want me to suddenly train? I know that he wants me to protect my siblings because he's not there but why couldn't I protect them when we were fighting the white witch?  Y/n thoughts surrounded her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Peter and Edmund telling her it's dinner. Y/n nodded and went to dinner with her two siblings.

Time skip still in third person
Y/n trained in her sleep every night. She went from throwing knives to fighting hand on hand combat. And james and Elijah grew close to he girl as she did with them.

They became a little trio. Soon Y/n became the mighty warrior she was meant to be. Well she'll have to prove it to her siblings and everyone else.

Talking about her Siblings, They started to get curious and worried about her. When she woke up there would be random bruises on her arms and legs.

One time she got one on her neck from James when he accidentally hit her neck while practicing Punches and defense blocking. Edmund and Peter thought they were hickeys.

Susan and Y/n relationship was still rocky. With Susan being her nasty self to Y/n. When Elijah and James found out they were fuming. They started teaching y/n comebacks sarcastic remarks. Though Y/n never used them outside of her dreams.

(The night before they travel to Narnia at the train thingy and in Y/n Dream)
Y/n's POV
I close my eyes and wait. I feel someone breathing behind me so I turn around give them a swift kick. I heard a groan and open my eyes. I smirk.

"I win" I say as I help Elijah up. He sighs.
"Point to Y/n!" James says pretending to give me a point on an imaginary board. I giggled and walk up to james as a chuckling Elijah followed.

"Just a question boys" they turn to me " Why did Aslan not let me participate in the war against the White witch?" I blurted out the question. They boys look at me with sorrow eyes.

"Because you were gonna die if ya did" James said looking down. "And Aslan couldn't afford that. Your prophecy was to grow into a mighty warrior who would guard her Siblings until they grow to their full potential" Elijah continued

"Oh. Thanks" I say. They smile at me. "Oh well look at the time." Elijah says as a big clock appears in the air. "It's about time for you to wake up" James said.

"Oh and Y/n!" Elijah called out. I turn to him. "You might want to bring your weapons case with you to the train stop. You'll need it" He warns me. I nod and close my eyes feeling the familiar jolt.

~Chapter 2 up!~

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