Helluva Boss OC: Kaine Maximus

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Name: Kaine Maximus
Age: 18
Age of Death: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf Demon
Date of Birth: 2/17/01
Date of Death: 9/24/19
Cause of death: Shot himself
Personality: Helpful, Caring, Serious and a bit Cocky
Looks: a yellow furred wolf with brown eyes. He wears a black hoodie and red pants.
Likes: Video games, watching TV, helping others, cursing and killing since it is his job at I.M.P
Dislikes: Killing children
Job: I.M.P Assassin
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: Kaine was once a normal boy who loved his life but he had an abusive dad, one day Kaine snapped and he took his father's gun and he had shot him, thinking that he had killed his father... but he then saw his mother's horrified face and he felt so much guilt that he then ended up shooting himself, now he lives in hell and works at I.M.P
Friends: Friends with everyone in I.M.P
Crush: Loona
Other: Is really good with weapons

Demon Form:

Human Form:

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Human Form:

Human Form:

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