I clutched my book tighter to my chest and went to open the double doors of the infirmary but they were pulled open before I could. Draco stood in its wake, dressed in one of his black suits and looking proper.

"You're better." I said.


Draco took my hand and started walking, using his long strides to take me somewhere. I didn't question, knowing he probably wouldn't tell me anyway. My book slipped from my fingers but Draco was pulling to hard for me to go back.

I kept up the best I could and climbed the stairs two at a time with him when it was needed. We stopped on a moving staircase long enough for me to catch my breath before we continued.

We came to the Room of Requirement and I continued to stay silent as Draco led me to the vanishing cabinet. He unlocked it and stepped back. I stumbled back as it opened on its own and I didn't need to see it to know it was beginning. Draco grabbed my hand and we were gone from the room again.

I recognized the door to the clocktower before we reached it and we climbed ever so quickly, my heart pounding as whoever came through that cabinet was now following.

Draco got it to work. Or maybe the bird didn't die in transit.

The wind was a bit strong but the scariest part was how fast night came. The sky was dark with no stars and no moon.

I heard whispers over the sound of my own blood pumping through my ears and Draco let me go once we reached the top of the stairs. There, standing so calmly, was Dumbledore.

Draco's wand was out before I could blink.

"Hello Draco." He greeted kindly. "Cora. And what brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here?" Draco asked desperately. He was starting to lose it already. "I heard you talking."

Looking down, I searched for the other person in the room. Harry said he had to meet the old Professor and I didn't see him anywhere. Either he was hiding, or Dumbledore was going mental.

"I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful." Dumbledore replied. "Have you been whispering to yourselves, children?"

I shook my head, unable to speak as I watched Draco slowly walk around the large pedestal in the center of the room. I followed just as slowly, wondering where this was going.

"Draco..." Dumbledore never even gave me a look. "You are no assassin."

"How do you know what I am?" Draco whined.

"He's right." I said quickly, finding my voice.

"Shut up." He spat at me.

"Listen to her Draco. She knows you better than anyone." Dumbledore agreed.

"I've done things that would shock you! Both of you!" Draco's breathing grew heavier.

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she'd bear a cursed necklace to me. Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison." Dumbledore guessed. "Forgive me Draco. I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart can't really have been in them."

"He trusts me, I was chosen! Not my sister, me!" He exclaimed.

"Draco, you can drop the act." I told him.

He looked at me sharply. "It's no act. I do want to protect you. But I was chosen! I was the one he wanted, not you. I can't let him down for anything." He lifted his sleeve and I covered my mouth to keep from throwing up.

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