He got up and kept the book back on the shelf before coming with me downstairs.

When we got there Tee and Bass were already sitting at the table with everything set. 

We ate while talking about random things. 

"How are things going with Godt?" P'Pa asked Bass. 

He groaned. "No progress. He still keeps ignoring me."

Tee, p'Pha and i sighed deeply at the same time. 

"Just how fucking dense are you?" Tee looked at him exasperated. 

Bass was looking at him with a confused expression. 

"I've had it! Can't you fucking see that he's not ignoring you?! He's obviously way too shy to make eye contact with you! He doesn't fucking paint his face red everytime he goes to see you!" Tee yelled. 

Bass blinked profusely. 

"Bass. Godt might look tough but he's really shy. I thought you would have noticed since you've been literally stalking him since orientation." I looked at him unamused.

"Doesn't he just ignore most people because he doesn't want to talk to them?" He tilted his head.

 P'Pha and i groaned. 

Tee smacked him on the head really hard. 

"OW! What was that for?!" He frowned while rubbing his head. 

"Since talking doesn't seem to get into that head of yours i'm going to try the hard way." He rolled up his sleeves. 

We raised our eyebrows. 

Bass shot up and ran out into the backyard. 

"Get back here!" Tee ran out after him.

P'Pha and i laughed at their antics. 

They ran around the backyard for a few minute before Tee managed to catch him. 

"Ok Ok! I got it! He's not ignoring me! He's just really shy! I'm sorry!" Bass yelled when Tee locked him in a headlock. 

"You dense bastard! The poor guy is close to having a breakdown because of you yelling at him for ignoring you!" Tee glared at him. 

Bass looked at him wide eyed. 

"Ok that's all we can tell you. The rest you'll have to hear from Godt himself." I quickly intervened before Tee could say anything more. 

"But next week we have so many quizzes." Bass groaned. 

"Well then you'll have to wait until the week after the next." I said. 

Tee let go of the headlock. 

He sighed.

"You're going to get things right after the quizzes. Godt is also our friend."

Bass nodded.

Just then my phone rang.

I went to the table and took it.

It was Tae.

I blinked and looked at Tee.

He looked away.

"Hey Tae." I picked it up.

"Hey Ming. Is Tee with you?" He asked.

"Yeah he is. Did something happen between you two?" I again looekd at Tee who was looking down with a guilty expression.

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