"You're dating my son!" She yelled excitedly. "Get over here so I can hug you!"

"I'll be there in a sec-" I began to say, turning around, ready to head out my door.

"I know you two go through the windows, just get over here!" She urged, leaning away from the window so I could come through. I was slightly embarassed that she was aware that Michael and I climbed through each other's windows, but I was also curious as to how she knew.

The moment I was in Michael's room, his mom had me wrapped up in a massive hug, squeezing me tightly. I heard Michael laugh from the doorway.

"It's about time, you two." His mom smiled, releasing me from the hug.


Michael and I were back in school for the first day, the beginning of Grade Twelve. I wish it was the summer still, or more specifically, I wish it was that week again. I heard someone called Michael's name as we exited his barely-functioning-and-I-mean-just-barely-because-it-took-about-twenty-minutes-for-it-to-start car.

"Mike!" I heard them yell again, I turned and saw a boy with dark brown hair standing by the doors next to Giggles and The Blond Tree. I assumed this was Calum, and I stared at him, unable to come up with a lame nickname.

Michael and I walked over to them, Calum was staring at me skeptically.

"Hey, this is Calum," Michael confirmed, pointing at the boy standing next to the Blond Tree and Giggles. "And you've already met Luke and Ashton."

"I haven't met her yet," Giggles corrected, giggling yet again. So it wasn't the alcohol that made him laugh all the time.

"Yeah you did," The Blond Tree mumbled.

"I did?" Giggles asked, confused.

"Oh shit, I forgot my bag," Michael said suddenly, heading back to his old-old-old-I-can't-get-across-how-old-it-is car. The moment he was gone, Calum took me by my shoulders and spun me around to face him.

"We told Michael if he didn't do it by the end of the summer, we'd do it for him," Calum whispered quickly. Giggles and The Blond Tree were staring at me seriously now.

"Michael has liked you for a really long time," The Blond Tree began.

"But he hasn't told you," Calum added, looking at me expectantly. I realized that Michael had probably forgotten to tell his friends about what had happened, but I didn't really feel like straightening things out. I wanted to have some fun first.

"What? He likes me?" I yelled, putting my hand to my chest in fake shock.

"He does and he has for a long time," Giggles confirmed for me.

"He doesn't shut up about you," Calum added.

"Oh my God!" I shouted, trying to look confused and startled. "But he's my friend, he's always been my friend! What do you mean he likes me! Oh god, no, what do I do!"

The Blond Tree, Calum, and Giggles stared at me with equally scared expressions. I laughed at them in my head. I decided to begin to breathe shakily and heavily, trying to freak them out more.

"What do I say to him! What do I do! I thought I was only his friend, oh God, he likes me?" I began to frantically yell.

"No, wait, I didn't think you were going to react this way," Calum whispered, trying to shush me as he frantically looked over my shoulder.

"React to what?" Michael asked, rejoining us with his bag slung over his shoulder. Calum stared at him frightened, looking back at me and then back at Michael. I laughed to myself again. I shouldn't be finding this so entertaining.

"Bye I have to go to class, Mikey." I smiled, switching back over to myself. I stood on my toes to give Michael a kiss, resisting the urge to laugh. I walked past the three gullible boys, trying to keep from smiling as I walked inside.

"Wait, what!" I heard Calum yell as I walked through the doors.

I was seated in my first period class when I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out of my pocket to check it, opening the new message from Mikey.


Mikey: What did you do to Calum ??

Well, he told me my best friend secretly liked me :Me

So I reacted :Me

Mikey: You scared the shit out of him

Mikey: God, I love you

I know :Me

The World As It Is ; m.c.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant