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Sam awakes in  a pale light of gold and yellow.  The sun hasn't fully broken the horizon.  Sydney, her ever faithful shaggy dog, is at her face licking her cheek before she can move.  Syd seems to have a 6th sense when it comes to Sam.  

Sam got Sydney when she was 8 weeks old.  She had noticed a flyer on the board at Bene Scene, her sister coffee shop.  She is short, stocky with bowed legs.  The long grayish hair around her face in contrast to the shorter black hair on her body.  Sam fell in love with her the moment she laid eyes on her.  

Sam’s body aches as she rolls away from the window to look at the rest of the room.  Sydney lays down beside her, head resting on her hip.  The rich dark wood of the closet doors mocking her knowing she will have to get up to ready for the day.  

Hopping out of the bed, body wavering from the jolt of the risers she added.   She moves towards the closet to pick out the clothes for the morning's run.  Her phone vibrates on the bedside table.  

“Happy Birthday! Looking forward to this evening, pick you up at 7” text from the tiresome drone she is dating as not to be alone on her 30th birthday, Jack.

Quickly respond with ‘okay see you then’ she continues on to the closet.  Sliding the heavy door to the side choosing a sweatshirt and running shoes.  Clean laundry piled on the chair, she rummages through for running pants and a shirt.  Sliding them on walking into the living room she sees water drops on the sliding door hoping it isn’t starting to rain. 

Entering the long narrow kitchen she reaches for the coffee pot- empty- she forgot to  set it up again last night.  She groans, disgusted with herself.  One day she might actually remember.  Sydney is not so patiently waiting at the door.  

“Alright, let me get my shoes on.”  She sits on the couch sliding on her running shoes.  At least she will get to see her sister this morning.

Sam heads towards the cold, white, metal door that will thrust her into the world, well at least the stairwell of her apartment building.   Grabbing the leash as she reaches down to scratch Syd's ears.  The moment the clasp clicks around Syd’s collar it is like the floor is on fire and she can’t get out fast enough.  

Exiting the building,the sun is now gleaming down, reflections blinding from the standing water in the street.  The air smells fresh like clean sheets. Syd starts trotting along, almost pulling Sam into the run they set out for.  At the end of the block they turn left, she must have coffee, Sydney is anxious for time at the park.  

Slowing in front of the Bean Scene, Syd isn’t happy.  

“I’m sorry girl if we are going to get through this day momma needs caffeine.” Sam loops the leash inside the hook on the pole that is right outside the door.

The smell of coffee brewing hits her senses as the door swings open.  She sidesteps inside to miss the young woman not paying attention, on her phone, trying to walk out.  Sam bumped the table beside her.

“Come on” a strong smokey male voice says, obviously irritated.

“Oh my gosh.  I’m so sorry”  She apologizes and swings around, “I was trying to avoid…” her voice trails off as she sees a man with dark hair, a strong set jaw with furrowed brow wiping hot coffee from his black jeans.  He is strikingly handsome wearing a tight black t-shirt and the black jeans that hug all the right places.  

“Getting coffee spilled all over yourself, yeah I get it.”  He states crossly making her feel like a child.  

Shrinking a little, hunch her shoulders , “I am very sorry, what can I do?”

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