✭ chapter: four ✭

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As I walk down into the kitchen, my eyes land on those same dark brown eyes from earlier

My face heats up slightly as I thought about the moment in the bathroom earlier But those same thoughts are cut off by the bubbly voice of my best friend

My head snaps to her smiley face
"Y/n!, come here sleepy head!"
She says as I was already walking towards her grabbing a glass of water

I get closer to her and whisper in her ear "Who's that" I didn't want to not offend him if he overheard us talking "Oh..right I forgot" maya scratches the back of her head "y/n this is my older brother Chris, Chris this is my best friend y/n" she continues signaling her brother to me and me to her brother, he smiles at me and waves I couldn't help but blush a bit but still managed a hello

His smile is so cute

He smiles back at me as he waves and then continues scrolling on his phone, I turn to look at maya who's in her own world cooking some eggs, i unconsciously look back at her brother who has his whole attention on his phone

I don't even notice I'm staring until his beautiful brown eyes are staring back at me pink tints my cheeks and I look away immediately a little breathless chuckle rings in my ears and my cheeks turn a darker pinkish color

How embarrassing

I mentally face palm myself, that's when maya speaks up oblivious to anything going on
"Y/n come on let's go eat in the living room" she hands me a plate and grabs my hand to lead me to the living room "and since when did mom and dad allow you to eat outside the kitchen?" Her brothers voice rings through the air "since you left" maya says back sticking her tongue out at him teasingly, I can't see his face but by the look of pride on my best friends face, it leads me to believe that he was not happy by that answer


Mayas parents had come back from their morning walk and Chris was up in his room while me and maya stayed in the living "hogging" the couch or whatever he decided to complain about it

"Maya please if you're going to be hogging the living room can the two of you shut up for the love of god, I can hear you from all the way in my room"
Chris shouts from up the stares

"How about you stop being an ass and leave us alone"
Maya shouts back up to him, he groans and slams his bedroom door shut
"Maya why don't you invite him down to watch a movie?" I ask wanting some peace between the two siblings it's been non stop bickering since he got here

Being completely honest I didn't care about the two I just wanted the blond haired male to stop complaining and the brunette girl to stop yelling back at him, I just wanted some quiet time between the two

I so desperately wanted Mrs. Mr. Bang to be back from wherever they were currently, I stare at my best friend who is now staring at me like I'm a crazy lunatic and has declared a crazy crime I wanted to commit "what? Did I say something wrong?" I stare back at her confused "oh you did my sweet sweet y/n, you've gotta be crazy to want to watch a movie with my brother" she pats my shoulder and shakes her head "but if you so want him to, go up and ask him" she continues smiling at me "what? Me? Maya he's your brother" I spit out "and you want him to join us" she pats my shoulder again smiling

Why did I agree to this

I think as I'm now infront of his door not sure if I should or shouldn't knock to invite him down, you know whatever fuck it, I knock on his door "maya go away" i sigh as I hear his voice come through the white wooden door

Maybe I should just go...

"Uh it's- it's not maya" I mumble under my breath, I hear footsteps getting closer to the door until it opens "ma- oh" he says I look up, he's shirtless his damp hair stuck to his forehead, well isn't this scene oddly familiar, my eyes trail slightly down noticing that this time he has grey sweats instead of a towel

My best friends brother; bang ChanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt