Chapter 33

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An awkward silence filled the room as Milo wondered what to say to that. He wasn't sure Leo was wrong. Maybe he was cursed never to find his mate. Stranger things had happened.

Heck, his own mate wasn't even of their own people. She was some sort of hybrid or other species of shifter. But he didn't care. He did care that his Beta might spend forever alone, however.

"I'm sorry Leo." Katarina's voice broke the silence and made both men smile as they looked at her.

Leo frowned a little as he greeted her. She was wearing the shirt that Milo wasn't and nothing else. He shook his head at the love birds antics.

"I'm sorry my sister confused you." She apologised.

"Yeah, well, you were right all along, weren't you? I'm still confused." He agreed with her earlier perception.

Milo laughed at him. "Yes, Beta, I've learned my lesson. Katarina is never wrong." Milo promised he wouldn't forget it as he got up off his seat and met Katarina halfway, with a light kiss.

"I'm glad you feel that way, because I've just got off the phone to my father." Katarina smiled at him, as if she had a lot more planned than he was prepared for.

"I thought you were calling Constantine?"

"Oh, I did. He's delighted and so is my father." Katarina replied with a sweet smile. Both the Alpha and the Beta watched her curiously as she left Milo's arms and picked up an apple from the middle of the counter.

She looked mischievous and Milo was quick to cotton on, showing open surprise at the fact that her father and grandfather were happy to hear that he had taken her innocence before their union. He had expected a reprimand at least, if not outright hatred.

"Now all we need to do is tell your father. And go on that run you promised me." She turned pleading eyes on Milo and he couldn't be suspicious of her any longer. She was too much for his simple brain to process. Just when he thought he was catching up to her sneaky schemes, she went and surprised him again.

"Soon, little wolf. Really soon, I promise." He vowed, crossing the one step and placing a delicate kiss on her forehead. He was trying to ease the blow that he knew was coming. "But you're not telling my father. I've told you, he's too dangerous for you to be around. He can't control himself." He reminded her, hating that he had to give her the warning. "No...I'll tell him tomorrow, once we've spoken to Constantine."

Milo promised to take care of that little detail himself. His father was too sick to face being around anyone he could overpower. He couldn't bear to let Katarina get hurt by his own father. By anyone.

"Oh, he's not coming." Katarina beamed at him as she took a second bite of her apple, her eyes glittering with even more trouble. "I told him about our run and he's going to give us until Friday to enjoy ourselves. He'll be along on Friday as agreed." She explained, happily. "He'll settle Leo's mind over his true mate and we'll be united before your birthday."

A flush came to her cheeks as Milo caressed her neck. "You are sneaky, my love." He approved.

"Yes, I am. But I refuse to let anyone get in the way of our run." She reminded him of how important it was and he had to say that he agreed. It was about the most important thing they would ever do.

"Hmm, I can't say I disapprove." He leaned in and kissed her lips, smiling when she automatically parted her lips to let him deepen the kiss.

He could taste the red Macintosh apple on her tongue; it tasted like her...sweet and teasing. If they had been alone, he might have kept their kiss going and removed the shirt she was wearing. But since Leo was in the room, he settled himself to taking a bite of her apple and taking a step away from her.

Katarina giggled the most adorable laugh as she turned her gaze on his Beta. "Oh, and Leo? Constantine has a gift for you that he's going to have delivered today. He says it will clear the 'fog in your mind'. Whatever that means." She explained, using one hand to demonstrate the quotation marks.

Leo frowned and seemed to panic.

"I told him because Milo and I...our senses are heightened for the mating," she confessed, with a flush. "and we both sense different things. I asked my grandfather about it and he admits that something isn't right. He suspects that someone has deliberately confused you." She revealed, shocking Milo deeply. "He thinks that neither Janet or Josanna are your true mate, but the gift will clear your mind and let you focus enough to figure it out for yourself." She explained softly.

Leo was stunned; Milo could see it, without having to ask how he felt. He had treated her so badly, worse even than he had, because even after Milo had chosen her as his mate, for himself, Leo had refused to accept her. He could see the uncertainty in him, as he contemplated how to react.

Leo got up from his seat and crossed to Katarina.

Milo watched him closely. But he didn't have to worry. When he reached Katarina, he hugged her tightly.

"Thank you Katarina. This means...everything to me." He sighed as he let the news sink in. He wouldn't be confused any more. He could get back to thinking straight.

Katarina pulled back from his hug, caught his face in her hands and smiled. "You are the Beta of my pack, Leo...Milo's best friend...I love you as much as he does." She swore.

Leo sighed and cleared his throat as he gently pulled Katarina's hands from his face.

"God, you two better go on that run before you get even soppier." He complained, leaving the room before he succumbed to the swell of emotions Milo felt running through him.

"He loves you really." Milo smiled as he caught her, wrapping his arms around her voluptuous waist. How could someone so strong and sweet be compacted into such a small body?

"I know. He just finds it difficult to convey emotion in front of you. He's the Beta; he's not supposed to show emotion." Katarina claimed teasingly.

Milo liked that. "So what does that say about the Alpha?"

"Didn't you know? The Alpha can do whatever he wants...he told me so himself." She combined her words with a sweet kiss that was more a temptation than anything else. She was deliberately tormenting him. But Katarina seemed to forget that they were alone now. Leo was gone and they had a run to complete.

"So I did." Milo surprised Katarina by kissing her heatedly. By the time she sank into his arms, he was already lifting her off her feet and wrapping her legs around his waist. Let's go for that run. He suggested as he nipped her bottom lip.

They were completely consumed by each other, even after spending hours that morning, making love, mating, taking the time and attention to adore and explore each others bodies. The need wasn't any less than it was back then.

Milo knew their urgency for each other wouldn't dim until their wolves were satisfied. So while they kissed, he began unbuttoning her shirt and dropped her legs back to the floor.

Katarina was brimming over with happiness as she helped him undress. As he reached out to her, she backed away.

"Don't play with me, Katie." He warned her gently.

Katarina took another step back and before he realised it, she transformed and started running out into the hallway.

Milo laughed and completed his own transformation. He met her at the front door, where Leo stood, with a knowing sigh, holding the door open for them.

Milo nudged his Beta's knee with his muzzle, waited for the nod and smile of approval, before following his mate out the door.

The Alpha and the Oracle (The Belesone Pack #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora