Chapter 5

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The Beta led Katarina into an upstairs living room along the hall and told her to sit down, while they waited for Milo. They were both nervous and Katarina couldn't stop crying. The Beta heard her muttering to herself, over and over again, the same words; "Be brave."

He didn't understand what it meant and he didn't dare ask. The Alpha's business was not his business.

For a long time they stayed that way. Katarina crying. Him pacing. Not knowing what to say or what to do. If he should do anything at all.

Comforting her was wrong. If she was the Alpha's mate, choice or not, it would be wrong to comfort her. But he so dearly hated crying girls. He had a sister that he was so used to drawing into his arms when she cried, that Leo found it impossible to keep away from Katarina.

He offered her a drink, she cried. He offered her food, she cried. He offered her a blanket because she was shivering and she cried. She didn't give an answer to any of his questions; she just kept on crying, like it would never stop.

There was a click of the door and they both looked up to see Milo stepping into the room looking grave. Instantly, the Beta was on his feet and somehow, for whatever reason, Katarina stopped crying.

"Oh God..." She gasped, pressing her knuckles to her mouth. "It's true." And then she was off crying again, into both hands, as she curled up in a little ball, bent over her knees. She rocked back and forth, but all Milo and Leo could do was look at each other, unsure how to handle the situation.

"Get this sobbing wreck a drink of water, will you?" Milo asked, rubbing his temples as he took a seat opposite her. He waited until the Beta scurried off to fetch her a drink of water before returning and pressing it into her hand. "Just drink it." He ordered, though her hand shook.

"Stop crying." He barked suddenly, shocking Katarina so much that she stopped crying mid-sob, only for it to give her the hiccups.

Milo sighed and rolled his eyes, looking furious.

"What did the Elders say?" Leo spoke to break the awkward silence and listened intently as Milo explained.

"I've to mate with this...God awful creature...if I can't find my true mate before Friday evening. If I do find my mate, she will be given to another." Milo began.

Leo could tell he was holding something back, but it wasn't his business. Milo had been able to choose his Beta himself, the moment he became Alpha. He had chosen Leo because of their friendship and the loyalty they felt to one another. That didn't mean he wanted him knowing the extent of whatever punishment the Elders had given him.

"Until Friday evening, I've to court...this thing." He muttered in distaste, gesturing towards Katarina. She surprised them both by just sitting there and taking the verbal abuse.

"Alpha..." Her small, croaky voice was interrupted by a hiccup that made Milo frown. "Don't worry. We will never be mated." She promised, flashing him a weak smile and waiting for another hiccup to subside before going on. "I made a promise to my father years ago that I would never shame my pack with my presence...or my mating. I will never take a mate. Ever. I will choose exile." She vowed, worrying him. "If you can suffer me until Friday evening, I will leave before the Elders have a chance to unite us." She explained gently.

The Beta looked at Milo curiously and when he looked back, there was a curiosity and hope in his eyes again.

"You would disobey the Elders?" He wondered.

"Alpha, I would do anything and disobey anyone...even you...if it meant saving my pack from the shame of having me in their lives." She warned him. "I would gladly die rather than let anyone suffer me as their mate. Any union forced upon me would be greatly unhappy and I couldn't bear to do that to someone. Or our pack." Katarina spoke through her tears, strongly, defiantly, even with purpose and love.


Milo was confused. How could she speak with such strength and not have it within herself to be better and stronger and faster than she was?

"If we are to court for this week, let us spend our dates searching for your mate. The quicker we find her, the easier this will be on all of us." She insisted, with complete neutrality. "I promise Friday evening, I will no longer be a part of your pack. I will be dead or gone before I will unite with you." She vowed.

Milo looked at Leo, who shrugged. It sounded like a good plan, but it was risky as well. If anyone found out about it beforehand, or if they failed, they would all be punished for trying to thwart the Elders wishes.

"I wouldn't worry about that." Katarina smiled at the Alpha, as if she liked him.

He felt strange, held in her gaze.

"Even if the Elders find out, I made myself very clear tonight. I told them I would never allow them to unite me with anyone. And I told them why. I am a burden to my pack already, I will not be a burden to my mate." She told him.

With those words, she rose from her seat and flattened out her jeans, as if dusting them off. She walked to the door and left the room.

Milo sighed; he was supposed to escort her home.

"I shall make sure she gets home safely." Leo offered, but Milo sighed, and got to his feet.

"No. That's my job. The bloody Elders ordered it." He grumbled. "I've to walk her home every day...sit with her at school...practically be joined at the bloody hip." He sighed, before grabbing a coat from the back of the chair and going after Katarina.

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