Chapter 13

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The first half of the school day breezed past Milo and he found himself realising what had made him so desperate to kiss Katarina. Jealousy. Pure and simple. Hearing about this all powerful son she was going to have with her true mate had brought out the Alpha's jealousy. Who knew?

To make it worse, all morning Milo had been sitting next to Katarina in every class, scanning the male shifters she interacted with, for any sign of an attraction. Mostly none of them even acknowledged her, but a few, he discovered, actually tried to continually copy from her during class.

When he caught Jeremiah, a wolf just shy of his own abilities, asking her to help him study during lunch, the jealousy had overwhelmed him. Thankfully, their teacher was dealing with a student in the hall; his low growl of warning had been obeyed but unnoticed by the humans. Jeremiah had backed off and barely even glanced her way again.

"Did you have to do that?" Katarina sighed at him, almost instantly.

"Yes." He grumbled, unwilling to admit that he was jealous. "You're to be my mate, Katie. I'm not having idiot teenage boys drooling over you." He complained, only to feel insulted when she laughed at him.

"He wasn't flirting, Alpha. He was grovelling so that I would do his homework." She giggled.

Milo had spent the next five minutes staring at her after that remark. She had laughed at him and he hadn't told her not to. She had called him Alpha, which she had done a million times before, but this time sounded different. Like...almost like she was teasing him. As if she knew he was jealously marking his territory. Marking her as his territory. He hadn't stopped thinking about it all day.

Milo had one class on his own before lunch, while Katarina had a study period that she swore she was going to spend in the library with Josanna. To be nice, he had told her to invite Josanna across to his lunch table, so she had someone to talk to, other than him. She had looked so happy about the offer that he had been late for class.

He was beginning to realise, as he made his way into the cafeteria, that he enjoyed looking at Katarina. More than he liked looking at anyone else. So he was less than pleased when he walked into the cafeteria to find her standing with Josanna in the lunch line, being harassed by Jeremiah, yet again. The guy just didn't take a hint.

Milo looked around for his Beta and was even more infuriated to find him already sitting at their usual table, chatting up a girl.

Leo was supposed to be his loyal Beta, protecting what was his. Unable to ignore his jealousy and his anger at Leo, he made his way over to Katarina and watched her worried look dissolve into a smile. She was happy to see him.

"Jeremiah, I thought I gave you a warning already?" He asked from just behind the guilty little idiot. On hearing his Alpha's voice, Jeremiah spun round and darted away from Katarina.

"Sorry, Alpha. I just...I...need" He stuttered.

Milo moved closer to Katarina. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders to make his point clear and raised an eyebrow at Jeremiah.

The little twat gave him a head nod and bolted. A flashing light just about blinded him and brought him back to attention again.

"What the hell?" He asked, squinting as he tried to clear that flash of light from his eyesight. He heard laughing and turned to see Katarina looking exasperated. "Josanna?" He asked, ready to hit something with the way people kept irritating him.

"Yup. Just a photo for posterity." She claimed happily before heading over to his table and sitting down beside Leo.

Milo watched through little spots of yellow light as his Beta cut off his conversation with the 'sexy blonde' he had been flirting with for weeks, only to turn his full attention to Josanna.

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