15: Heart of Glass

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She stopped appreciating the only person who sees her and loves her until that person's life was taken away.


Even as the weather was quite cold under the afternoon sun, there were a few numbers of customers–mostly consisting of families and friends alike–walking in and out of the carnival. Wandering from stall to stall indulging in hot, savory foods and steaming beverages.

At the center of the stalls, tents, and caravans, a large tent stood tall. From our location, the faint music and muffled cheers of the crowd could be heard from within.

Right at the moment Aiden and I entered the Winter Carnival at the Central we were greeted by a shout.

"You! The child with silver hair!" The person was pointing directly at me.

Aiden and I were in a cloak hiding pretty much of our hair and face. Having a gut feeling that this person might know the answers I'm looking for I turned and went up without thinking twice.

The old woman sat on an ancient-looking mat, her crooked index finger was still pointing at me. The oversized robe hangs over her skeleton-like body. I should be concerned about how malnourished the old woman was but even under the thin layer of clothing, she wasn't shivering in cold at all. She looked more warm than I was.

Aiden who quickly followed stood beside me, looking at the old woman with pure suspicion upon seeing her eyes.

"Child, you are destined to die young," the old woman spoke staring in my direction with unfocused cloudy eyes.

I glanced down at her crystal ball. It has cracked and dusty as if she never actually uses it. Perhaps it's just a decoration since she's blind... What kind of fortune teller is this?

"What do you mean my sister will die?!"

"I think so too," I gravely agreed.

"Sister! Why are you agreeing to this nonsense?!"

"It's her destiny, your highness," the old woman calmly said moving her white irises towards the prince.

Aiden took my hand in alarm.

"There's nothing to be wary about. I'm just a harmless old woman." No one bought it though. She looked back at me again. "But you're walking away from your destiny. Changing little by little, that's why you're here with your brother."

Change? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

"But you'll face plenty amount of death. Be prepared, Abandoned Princess."

Was she telling me that I'll suffer?! And it's not one-time big time but plenty!!!

"Let's go, Elaine. We shouldn't waste our time with this foolishness," Aiden glowered as he dragged me away.

"Wa-wait!" I pulled my hand but he didn't let go.

Aiden stopped dragging me and glared saying, "Don't tell me you believe her?"

I ignored Aiden. "D-do you perhaps know how I could go back?"

Back to where I belong. To the holy land, at the side of the Goddess of Light and my sisters.

The old woman smiled. "You are back."

My forehead furrowed. I am back?

"You don't have any sense of direction, Elaine?" Aiden asked.

"Huh? No. No, that's not it. I have a good sense of direction," I said suddenly getting defensive.

He stared with his gold-colored eyes. He didn't look convinced. "It's your first time here so stay close to me."

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