9: Heart of Glass

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U n t o l d  T a l e s

A man stood at the top of the cliff. Sea waves rolled against the base, long and heavy. The sun slowly sets over the horizon painting both the sea and sky with the color autumn.

Today, nature surrounds him with tranquility that he couldn't afford to take, for his heart was in chaos. He gripped the basket full of apples and stared tiredly at the glittering sea that he once thought of it as beautiful.

"It's been four years. You must be bored of loneliness over there..."

And once again he felt his legs couldn't carry him as he stood in front of her grave, where he scattered the ashes of his love. Every time he visits her, he wants to collapse and wither away, but Edmund couldn't.

"I want to come to your side but life is busy. It can't be helped when I made a promise together with you in rebuilding a place for our children. I hope you can forgive me for cursing and blaming you for being unfair for the last four years."

With white cloth placed beneath him, a weary sigh came out of his mouth as he sat down—shoulders drooping in exhaustion. The sweet scent of the apples mixed with the salty air while the sound of cutting was drowned by the noise of the continuous wave hitting the cliff.

"If only I had believed in the prophecy... Perhaps I would—"

Edmund let out a humorless chuckle when he was about to say those useless words. No matter what he did, no matter what he wish for, he will never find the warmth that he had lost. Now, all he could do was visit her once per year, because he couldn't bear the sadness.

"Did I mention where Elaine is staying? I wish I could move her somewhere far away, a place where it's safe for her, but my enemies would be suspicious and definitely look for her. So I place our daughter there."

The Garnet Palace. A place where his wife grew up as a prisoner of war. As awful as it sounds the palace was just a normal place.

"People will think that I had abandoned her. Aiden will think I'm an awful father for neglecting his sister. Elaine will think I don't love her... Someday our children will hate me and that's fine. As long as I continue to ignore her existence she'll be safe. The second prophecy will not happen this time."

Hanging low in the sky, the moon gave a soft glow reflecting on the surface of the now-dark sea. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was time to go back. Back to being a king.

"Maybe in our next life, Selene, we could see our children grow without the consequences of our actions." Standing, Edmund straightened his back and his lips formed a broken smile as he left the discolored apples to the dead. "That...would be nice."



I, Lucas Bismarck, the Captain of the Imperial Guard and someone who stood beside Edmund for years like some loyal dog or so the nobles would love to call it, I could say the father and daughter are much more alike than I thought.

A perfect example of this is that both are scared of each other. 

One is because she thinks her father will kill her.

I watched the little girl run who looked relieved at every step away from her father. The fear engraved on the princess's heart felt like she was being sentenced to death. I ensured one of the Imperial Guards followed the princess before I approached Edmund.

And the other one is because he will kill his daughter. Well... That's what the prophecy says.

Two prophecies were told and one has already proven true. A fate that had fallen to the royal family, per se, a curse to Edmund.

"To think you actually received a gift from the person who should be the one receiving it, I have to say I'm quite jealous," I said looming down at my king. "And why are you pretending to be asleep in front of your child? Don't tell me...you missed the chance?!"

Eyes of gold opened and glared at me as if saying to shut it. He then held the flower that the princess got from Art and eyed the crowned flower. "She made...this?"

"She did. What are you giving to the princess, your majesty?" I asked and watched his majesty stand up holding the flower carefully without destroying the petals. I bet that he's not even aware of his action.

Edmund is all bite. Without any hesitation, he would kill anyone who ever blocked his path. But towards his children especially to his second child, I witnessed that he can also be all bark and no bite.

But then, will he be able to bite Elaine in the future? With their fate that had already been sealed.


"A gift for Princess Elaine."


Perhaps receiving a gift from the king was not a good idea. Seeing Elaine's fear a while ago she might even pass out if she ever received one.

I smiled at Edmund who furrowed his brows in response.

"Should I give the princess a present then?" I suggested. "Oh, maybe a tea to boost her digestion as a gift, she's been having stomach pain before we came here."

"..." Edmund glanced at the crown on his hands then turned his back to me. Before walking away he said with a nonchalant voice, "Do whatever you want."

"That child," his majesty spoke again after we enter the Emerald Palace. "She's afraid of me."

To think that Edmund spoke the obvious out loud was something for me to be surprised.

"She begged me not to kill her," Edmund continued.

"You did tell her you'll kill her, twice," I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"In exchange, she said she'll vanish when she turns eighteen."

Mmhm? The princess will leave when she turns eighteen... Why tell in detail?

Does the princess know the prophecy?

Where did she possibly hear it? There were only four people knew of the prophecy. The oracle, Edmund, Elaine's mother, and me.

"She then apologizes...for taking Selene's life." Against the cold voice of the king's words, I could hear the pain and sadness in every word he said. "I'll be leaving the palace and returning late."

"I had already prepared the apples and placed them outside the stables." I placed my fist on my chest and bowed at the broken king. "Have a safe travel, your majesty."

"Thank you, Lucas."

Watching Edmund disappear in the hallway, I whispered to the empty hall. "My king, will you change your's and your daughter's destinies?" 

A prophecy where a daughter will die at the hands of her father.

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