11: Heart of Glass

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The first princess grew beautifully with her platinum silver hair that shines brightly under the light and eyes mix of blue and green that reminds you of the sea. But only a number of people saw her blessed beauty for she is an abandoned child.


Someone barged into my room first thing in the morning. The door hit the wall loudly that I woke in a startle as I sat up looking around with wide bloodshot eyes. The sun hasn't risen yet, but someone's already interrupting my sleep.

A silhouette of a child stood by the door. With a hoarse voice, I spoke, "Brother?" 

I did not expect Aiden would straight up barge in immediately after arriving from his travel since it's a secret that we know each other. I guess it's not a secret anymore.

Aiden then ran to the bed and jumped over to me, tackling me down as I grunts at the sudden impact.

"Prin-prince," a young man called in a heavy panting sound as if he had been chasing the prince around. He entered the room with Haisley in tow. That must be Aiden's attendant.

From the light of the candle that Haisley brought, I could see the bewildered look on her and the attendant's faces when they saw the crown prince embracing me.

I gave them a—I'll handle this—look. Haisley quickly understood and took the attendant with her out of the room.

"Sister," Aiden called. "Elaine."


"I'm home."

A soft smile spread on my face. "Welcome back, brother." 

Minutes passed and Aiden didn't seem to have any intention of releasing me. With a sigh, I accepted my fate and closed my eyes as I hugged him back patting his back in a continuous rhythm.

Deep sleep quickly consumed me that the event a while ago had become a mere dream. A dream where the golden prince was calling my name with a big grin on his face.

Dry snow began falling thickly outside when I woke up. A snowstorm. The clouds were as dark and full, and the wind howled and rattled against the windows.

Blinking my sleepy eyes I asked to no one, "Is it still morning?" It was hard to determine when I couldn't find the sun in this weather.

I was about to get out when I noticed a box on the other side of my pillow.

With a questioning look, as to who placed it there, I opened the lid. Inside were a dozen of neatly rolled gold-colored ribbons with different textures and styles. The same shade as his eyes and hair.

"It wasn't a dream," I mumbled to myself. My fingers glazed gingerly at the ribbons. They're all beautiful. A smile formed on my face remembering Aiden's warm hug.

Elaine, I'm home.

So this is what it feels like to have someone, to be a part of someone's life.

This kind of feeling wasn't so bad after all. To become a part of a family.

When the storm finally stopped it left thick snow that no one could go outside. According to a servant, the snow was a meter deep.

"Princess, please finish your milk before it gets cold," Haisley said as she worked on her embroidery.


A present. I should give Aiden a welcome gift. Before he comes and visits again I need to prepare something. Undoubtedly, he'll enter by the front door instead of meeting him at the garden secretly. He did cause a huge ruckus in the Garnet Palace first thing in the morning and gave Hailey and the others a fright.

"What are you making, Haisley?" I watched Haisley pulling and inserting the needle into a piece of cloth creating an intricate design. She's been embroidering since yesterday.

"This?" With a satisfying smile, she cut the thread. "I noticed that the princess was always sulking every time you see the Ryllis flower withered the next morning."

Did I really sulk? I was sure disappointed that the flower kept withering, unlike in the holy land it will forever bloom. But from what Art said Ryllis isn't seasonal and the flower will continue to bloom whether it's spring, summer, fall, or winter—unless it's cut.

"So I embroidered a Ryllis that never withered wherever you go. Here princess, please accept my gift."

"Why?" I asked receiving the folded white cloth. It was a handkerchief. The single flower of Ryllis was beautifully and skillfully embroidered. Emotions mix together inside me, overwhelmed yet confused. There was no reason for her to give something as beautiful as this.

"I don't want to lose," she said, eyes full of determination.

Lose to who? Was there a competition that I did not know of?

Haisley chuckled at the confused look I had. She went to my side and touched my cheek. I couldn't help but lean more to the warmth of her hand. "Is there a reason to give you something, occasion or not?"

Clutching the handkerchief near my heart I whispered a thank you.

 Her smile widens while her eyes shine in unshed tears. "You're welcome, my princess."

As grateful as I am to Haisley to have her in my life I wasn't pleased with what she said next, "Oh, I spoke to Sir Bismark this morning and asked him to let you learn dance with Prince Aiden. I did wonder why you wanted to be alone in the garden before, all along you're having tea with the prince secretly. I don't know why you kept it secret but I'm just glad you two get along very well."

The handkerchief fell out of my grasp at the sudden information and fell on my lap. "I... Dance?"

"Time flew fast and the next thing you'll know you're already a lady. Soon you'll attend parties and balls. I want you to be prepared for the worst because of the rumor circling around." She meant that being someone who's unfavorable to the king would put me in a difficult spot when I enter the society. "And this will be a great opportunity to be with your brother more as well."

"What did—" My stomach churned painfully. "What did Sir Bismark say?"

"He'll return after he informs his majesty."

Color drained from my face. Oh, Goddess.. I felt like passing out.

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