(58): She's Up

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Just started school again today 😩. missed my friends so i guess it wasn't that bad. anyways i'm telling you guys this so you can be a little more lenient with me updating. i'm sorry if i don't do it often but i will really really try to ❤️. don't rlly have time to edit either so sorry for the errors in advance.

also #BLM. let's not forget. 🤎🖤


Kyle's POV.

After my shower, food and a short nap, which in itself was a struggle to take, I decide to drive my way back to the hospital.

Winona hasn't called, signaling that Chelsea-Anne isn't up yet. It's a good and a bad thing. Good, because I at least didn't miss the moment. Bad, because obviously she's still not up like I'd want her to be.

I finally reach it, park the car and make my way inside.

I get to the waiting room to be greeted by the same faces. Nicholas, Nathan and Winona all wave at me and offer me small smiles. I return it meekly.

"So, uh, her parents are here" Winona says softly when I take my seat next to her.

My eyes widen slightly "They are?"

The thought that they might be here eventually completely slipped my mind. I mean their daughter is in a freaking hospital bed; of course they are.

"Yeah, Kat is just keeping them occupied for now" Nicholas tells me "Dude, her mom looks strict as fuck. She was not happy to see boys here"

Wait till she finds out that I'm with her daughter.

And wait... her parents are here together? I remember her mentioning that they hadn't seen each other or spoken in years. I sure do wonder how that went down.

A few seconds later, Kathrine walks into the waiting room with two people behind her.

My eyes find the lady first. She has the same blonde hair as Chelsea-Anne and same height-ish but other than that, they don't look much alike at all. She's very beautiful though and that beauty has been passed on to her daughter. I won't lie, she doesn't look strict, I can just see it.

The man... yep, Chelsea-Anne was right when she said she looks like him. Same blue eyes and- basically- face. Of course he's much older and he's a man but you can easily tell that his daughter took after him physically.

"Mr Richards" I get up stiffly and make my way to the man as I shake his hand. He looks chilled.

"You must be a friend of my daughter's" He says and I nod "Nice to meet you. We appreciate all the support"

I give him a tight smile before making my way to the woman.

"Chelsea-Anne's mom" I greet awkwardly.

I can't call her 'Mrs Richards' because she's not married to her father. I don't know her maiden name so I couldn't think of anything else to say. I hope she won't hate me.

"Hi" She croaks, eyes red and puffy.

She must've been crying.

"It's an honor to meet you, ma'am" I say politely.

"How do you know my daughter?"


I cough "Uhm, she's a good friend of mine, ma'am"

She doesn't look impressed but nods nonetheless.

We are all stuck in an awkward silence before the doctor enters the room. Everyone gets up on instinct, anticipating the news.

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