(37): Damage Control

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After a very delicious breakfast buffet from Daisy, we are all set for our adventure day at the resort. Everyone woke up well rested and chirpy.

Nick and Nathan started fighting over the last cheese-griller and we had to intervene. Daisy said it was always like that; they all took turns to fight over food. She smacked their heads and they stopped. She ended up giving the cheese griller to Kyle because he 'behaved'. He smiled like he had just won a car.


"Don't mind Nathan if he's a bit antsy today" Kat says walking next to me "He wanted to have sex last night and I said no because what if we made a noise?"

I wrinkle my nose "I did not need to know that"

"I'm just warning" Kat laughs. "Did you and Kyle also have to hold back?"

"What are you talking about?" I murmur.

"Don't think we haven't noticed that you two like each other or something. I've been meaning to have this conversation with you"

"We don't" I deny meekly.

She gives me a skeptical look "Oh come on, Chels, I know you like the back of my hand"

"It's just a crush" I blurt under pressure.

"Aha! I knew it" She shouts victoriously causing the others to look at us.

"Knew what?" Nick enquires.

He is walking with Winnie. I feel bad that he's getting so close to her because I know that she doesn't like him. We're all walking up the slope because the first thing up is skiing. I'm not that excited but I put on a brave face for the others cause I don't want to spoil the fun.

Nathan and Kyle are walking in front of all us and having their own conversation.

"Uhm, that she was scared of skiing" Kat lies smoothly.

"Are you, Chels?" Winnie asks concerned.

I wave her off "Pshh, only a little. I'll be fine though. No worries"

"Promise?" She presses.

I nod with a small smile before she and Nick overtake us again because apparently we are walking too slow.

"Are you two cool now?" Kat asks curiously.

I nod happily "Yep. Cool as beans. We spoke yesterday. She apologized to Kyle and I"

I don't want to tell her about the Nick thing because I doubt she'll be able to not tell him.

"Oh yeah. So since when do you have a crush on the hottie?" She smirks "By the way, I totally saw this coming. We all did"

So I've heard.

I bite my lip thoughtfully "I was lying. It's not just a crush, I actually have feelings for him. And I don't know when it started, but it's been a while"

It feels so good telling her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She frowns.

"I don't know. I thought you wouldn't be happy because of Noah or something. What if you ended up blaming me for his behavior?"

"Chels" She says softly "You know I would never do that. He's in charge of his own behavior. It has nothing to do with you and I would never think that"

"I know now" I mutter squeezing her hand.

She seems happy and smiles mischievously. Oh no "So have you two kissed?"

"No!" I screech flustered "Kat, I don't even know if the guy feels the same, okay?"

"He does, trust me" She says confidently.

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