(21): A Roommate Thing

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I'm disturbed from my slumber by the constant vibration of my phone. I retract it from my back pocket and swipe to answer with my eyes still closed.

"Hello?" I murmur half-asleep.


My eyes snap open "Kyle?"

"Yeah, uhh, where are you?"

What? I remove my phone from my ear for a second to see that the time is 02:33. Oh my gosh.

"I'm so sorry" I hastily start to apologize "I must have fallen asleep at Kat's. I totally forgot to warn you that I wouldn't be back"

I normally do.

"Oh" He murmurs breathing slightly "Not that I care or anything but I just wanted to see if you were safe or something. Whatever"

Oh Kylie, you do care!

His voice over the phone sounds so husky and oh so deep. Mhmmm.

I can't help but grin "Yep, I'm very much safe, Chambers, no worries"

"Err, okay. At least I had some peace for the whole afternoon" He informs, his voice sounding lighter and playful.

I breathe a laugh "Well, don't get used to it cause I'll be back very soon"

"Unfortunately" He murmurs.

"Hey, guess what?" I blurt, not wanting the conversation to die down just yet "I'm single now"

I don't know why I'm telling him this.

"Uhh, weren't you always single?"

I can imagine that cute confused expression he always makes. The one with his scarred eyebrow raised.

"No. We were on a break and now that break is over and we decided to break up for good" I explain thoughtfully.

Why am I telling him this?

"That explains why you're at your friends then. I'm guessing you two spent the whole night crying and eating ice cream. Girls do shit like that"

I laugh really loud this time "We did that last time. There were less tears this time and there wasn't really any ice cream, just sleep"

"You do sound okay" He notes.

I shrug but he can't really see me "I guess"

"Why exactly do you tell me these things?" He asks the question I've been asking myself, sounding curious "We're not exactly friends, you know?"

"You're easy to talk to" I admit. "And you're a good listener. Literally. All you do is listen, you seldom respond"

I hear him snort "That does sound like me"

"See? It's a win-win. I like to speak and you like to listen" I grin.

"Who says I listen, huh?" He asks playfully.

I think he does.

I hum thoughtfully "Do you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" He replies "I think we should sleep now. We still have class in a few hours"

"Okay, night night Chambers."

"Night, Chelsea-Anne"

I can't help the smile that plays on my lips when I collapse on the pillow and fall asleep again.


"Delilah, why have you been avoiding me?" I demand with crossed arms, when though I know the answer to that question.

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