Chapter 96 Goodbye

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After a few minutes they discovered an entry to a channel that led them to the next level of the base. They could do nothing but move forward and enter the passage.

"It seems Valentin is herding us! I am starting to think that those clones were sent to direct us." Winn said as he continued through the corridor.

"Don't worry, I will go first. Valentin won't kill me." Jane turned back to the group and flashed a big smile toward Xiao Yan.

His smile was complicated and contradictory, a hidden pain belied his jovial expression.

The front of the passage forced them deeper into the base. The only plus side was that Casey's scan did not find any laser weapons affixed to the wall.
Rows of rooms lined the side of the passage, leading to a disturbing and tense feel as they walked through the hall. Xiao Yan glanced over at Casey, if any of those rooms contained a research lab, perhaps they could locate a terminal.

Heine grabbed Xiao Yan's shoulder to prevent him from moving forward and then lifted his hand to indicate that the whole group should halt. He gestured to the first room and looked through the the glass. There was nothing but a small bed inside. A young man sat on the side of the bed and picked up something they couldn't see. He seemed to be screaming something and had a terminal on his head. The terminal line did not seem to attach anywhere, its connection was impossible to determine.

Jane reached Heine's side and watched his expression as he took in the scene in the room.

"Ah. Welcome to Valentin's training room! This is where his clones discover their freedom. When they put on the terminal, it simulates various scenes for them, such as a forest or park, then can even enjoy the love of their father through the terminal. They are conditioned to crave Valentin's attention. Some people will be shocked to learn that they have never truly experience any love or affection from this father they have been conditioned to love so much."

"That means that this child's terminal must be connected to a system."

"In theory."

Jane had barely finished speaking when Heine removed his gun and aimed it toward the lock on the door. He fired the condensing agent and then slammed his blade into the lock, bending and warping the strong metal until the door began to slide open.

"Take care. These children can be deceptively ferocious." Jane unsheathed his blade and assisted Heine in widening the gap in the door. They worked to together and combined their strength to gain access to the room.

Suddenly the child, who appeared to be picking up an imaginary ball, suddenly turned toward them. His eyes were full of ice and he moved so fast his actions seemed to blur. The boy grabbed a blade hidden by the bed and rushed toward Heine. Jane threw his sword and his blade easily pierced the boy's chest impaling him against the wall.

Jane continued forward and the child still stared at them with his chillingly detached gaze as he tried to pull Jane's blade from his body.

Xiao Yan and Casey rushed toward the door and watched as Jane raised his arm, he swung his blade in a decisive arc. The boys head was cut clean off and his blood splattered against the back wall.

Xiao could not even spare a saddened expression. He is too aware of the danger and atrocities of these seemingly harmless teenagers. They were already an extension of Valentin, their lives seemed far more sad than any of the humans living within the Shire.

"Um...that seems a little too bloody." Mark remarked, rubbing his nose.

"I thought you needed the terminal on his head?" Jane dismissed the decapitation entirely.

At Jane's words Mark noticed that the terminal line penetrated his skull to directly connect to the boys brain.

Xiao doesn't spare any tentativeness for what they must due. Both him and Casey removed the terminal line from the boys remaining brain matter. Casey then connects the line to their portable terminal pack. Xiao Yan quickly invaded the system. In an instant his thoughts expand and spread throughout the base. He burrows deep and wide until he locates Jerry's brain.

Xiao removes the terminal and looks over at the group with a somber expression.

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