Chapter 70 Everything You Love

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"You may as well kill me, nothing you say will convince me to cooperate with you!"

Suddenly Xiao felt a prick on his arm; Casey had injected him with something.

Xiao Yan's eyes grow unfocused and dizzy, his body drains of strength and he slumps against Jane.

Jane hugs him closer as his body gives out completely.

Through blurry eyes, Xiao struggles to remain conscious, but everything is spinning and spiraling around him.

"Let's go. What's going on with the craft?"

"They are waiting for us." Jerry sighed in disappointment. "I really thought this time I could take out the president."

Casey glared at Jerry contemptuously. "What does it matter if they lose a president? One dies and another comes to replace the last. Nothing will change."

"What about Clair? It seems she is trapped."

"Who is she up against?"

"Heine Burton's subordinates. Liv and a big man called Mark."

Jane's face tightens into a frown. "If she went against them both, then she is either dead or captured. We don't have time to go back. Major Winn will have already been notified. They will be heading this way."

"Well if Clair is alive, I am sure she will find her way out."

They reach the front of the building, where a large chunk has been blown out. From the opening, the chaos in the central square is visible. The zombies have scattered the civilians and the Special Forces were busy clearing the area as the rest of the armed military looked on awkwardly.

The presidential palace is collapsing. It took one strategically placed bomb to produce such a devastating effect.

"What did you do?"

"I just think it is in bad taste for a president to live in such luxury." Jane revealed a disgustingly satisfied smile and turned back toward the Headquarters. He saluted and mouthed some words.

"Goodbye Shire."

He entered the craft with Xiao and then contacted the Shire's main tower.

"Please return K92 aircraft."

"This is the K92 aircraft. I am the commander of the Special Task Force 3,4, and 5 teams, Colonel Jane Wallace. I have an emergency mission and must leave the Shire. I am en route to Shen Bing's base. Please open the path."

Jane grinned as he answered the tower guard in a clean and decisive manner.

"Task code."


"The route is open."

Jane lowered his gaze head and gently stroked the sleeping Xiao's forehead. The unconscious researcher didn't stir in the slightest.

"I know how much you love the ocean. Now, I will give you your own piece of it."

Jane gently kissed his brow as the crafted exited the Shire and broke through the sky.

Jerry elbowed Casey. His teasing tone belied his very serious eyes. "I say Casey, are you really willing to leave?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Casey's eyes were shrouded in ice. His emotions were trapped behind his glacial gaze.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Where stories live. Discover now