Chapter 11 Ocean

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Xiao Yan nodded without hesitation. "Do I even need to answer that?"

At the moment the aircraft was passing over a wide expanse of ocean, the glittering waters seemed to wrap around the world. Xiao watched the tip of a wave break and ripple outward. He pressed his head to the glass like a kid looking at candy.

Liv smiled and spoke into her communicator "Boss, our rookie tech has just seen the sea for the first time. Do you think we can allow him to feel the sea breeze?"

Xiao looked at Liv stunned, as if Colonel Burton would grant such a request.

"Affirmative." Heine frosty voice sounded through her contact device

Liv looked at Xiao with an expression as if saying 'he is not as bad as you think', then Liv opened the door.
A warm sea breeze swept into the cabin, blowing through Xiao Yan's hair, the salty vapor tingling in his nose. It was a totally different feeling than in the forest, it was refreshing and his mood lifted.

This is the ocean, the origin of life. Xiao's inadvertently exposed an intense look of longing and smiled wistfully.

"When I was a child, I wanted to become an oceanographer like my father. Yet, this is the first time I have seen the sea in person."

Liv blinked and opened a channel again, "Boss our rookie tech here said his dream was to become an oceanographer."

Mark scratched his head, "I have heard of virologists, brain neurologists, and physicists...but an oceanographer? What use is there in studying the ocean?"

It was true, since the humans retreated to the underground Shire, the study of the ocean became meaningless.

Liv looked at Mark before speaking, "Boss, can we let him touch the sea?"

As soon as she spoke the craft slowly descended and approached the water at a 60 degree angle.

Xiao nervously tightened his safety device.

Liv ushered him over, "Come on. I'll hold on to you. Boss says we only have 30 seconds."

Xiao blinked in surprise. The ruthless Heine Burton, on the way to a mission, would go out of his way to give him this opportunity.

Unclasping his harness Xiao leaned forward and Liv held on to his arm. As Liv grabbed him, Mark took a hold of one of his legs. Half squatting hal fleaning outside of the door, he reached his left arm out of the cabin.

The second his fingers grazed the water, Xiao felt his heart nearly jump out of his chest. The temperature and strength of the water was so different from the fresh water in the shire. Xiao Yan can feel the pure power beneath the surface. The only authority over the force of the ocean was gravity.

The 30s flew by and Xiao Yan was pulled back into the cabin. The air craft suddenly sped upwards towards their destination.
The other special forces gave a faint smile to Xiao Yan, their gaze no longer so indifferent.

"Hey you are an interesting guy. All the other techs want to study viruses, yet you love the ocean? It is just water." The special soldier was genuinely curious.

"Other than viruses, the most varied aspect of the world is the ocean. One moment it is calm and serene, the next it can swallow everything. Trying so hard to recover nuclear material for energy for 200 years, don't you think it could be far better to somehow make use of ocean. Tidal waves are not only powerful, they are renewable. "

"Hey rookie, I think you are a good guy. Keep close on the mission. Liv! Is there a gun in his pack?"

"Of course, but he shouldn't need to use it." Live looked over Xiao Yan's pack to find the gun.

"Xiao listen to me, the use of this gun is very simple. You don't need to have great aim, because it will do so automatically, and the warhead function has a target locking function. But if you use it to shoot a zombie, it is useless. However, if the Surge is near, shoot mercilessly."

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat