Viven: The Payment

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New Delhi 4:30am

Viven was putting on her usual get up getting ready to assist Pine despite the unusual early start to her day. She looked at her highly furnished room,which probably cost more than her own flat on top of at least fifteen years of rent. Her eye was later drawn to her wardrobe which had the most elegant and sexy outfits on the market,Mikhail even made sure they were all from this season.

Ever since she was a girl her parents always told her to knuckle down and hit the books if she wanted to get anywhere. She listened and her social life became a sacrificial lamb of sorts.
She never got invited to any wild parties and never got approached by the boys she'd crush on. At least she'd get somewhere right ? Turns out all she really needed to get anywhere was just run errands for rich and powerful men.

Viven heard a friendly knock on her door.
"Who is it?" She asked while putting on a pair of diamond earrings
"It's me dear." Mikhail answered.
"Come in."
"You all set?" Mikhail looked at her with a blue plastic bag in his hand.
"I guess,what's in the bag ?" She looked at it with suspicion
"Half the payment ,a briefcase would be a little suspicious." Mikhail winked.
"True,well I guess the car's outside." She began to head through the door until she felt him grab her arm suddenly.
" Mille don't tell them anything." He looked into her eyes.
"Course,I would never incriminate either of you." She tried to reassure him but the concerned look on his face didn't wane.
"No,don't tell them anything about you." He said sternly before letting go.

While in the Range Rover her thoughts were rampant.
She doesn't know much about the assassins other than the fact that they're American.
were they on Chivalry's kill list,would they attempt to kidnap her for a bigger payday and most importantly would Jacob be able to stop them with the help of those agents Macalese got him in touch with. She had no idea.

The Assassin's safe house

She walked through the apartment complex with trepidation she just had to keep reminding herself she works with ruthless killers all the time.
However the giant rat that just whizzed passed didn't exactly put her at ease.

She was told to knock on the door with the initials 'SJ' spray painted on the door.
She saw it plain as day,it looked like a gang tag. This place just kept getting worse.

(knock knock)
She could hear someone walking to the door.
"You're late,I'd kill you but you're too cute." A woman said with a smile but she was ready to fire from the hip.
" you go." The hairs on Vivien's neck stood up as she handed the bag  woman at gunpoint.
"This your first time,oh it is." The woman said suggestively whilst watched Viven's facial expressions.
"How are you going to do it,my employer wants the details." Vivien said professionally.The more she could tell Jacob the better.
"Well I'll get to work when you're on your back...look babe a girl's gotta have her secrets." She continued to check Vivien out.
Vivien tried to walk away but the woman grabbed her arm.
"Once you deliver my half we'll celebrate." She winked.

Vivien was expecting a stone cold professional but instead she dealt with a rather forward and attractive lesbian. It didn't matter now she just had to give Jacob a description of the Assassin. Vivien made her way to the Range Rover. (Buzzzz) she felt a strong shock right on her neck and rolled on the floor until she became still.


Safe house Romeo

As she woke up Vivien realised was tied to a chair. The first thing she heard was the thud of boots from the shadows.
"Thanks for my half Miss Stone, can I call you Mille." The American man smiled. He looked well into his fithties and he had a scar across his left eye.

"I'll take that as a no. Ah where are my manners ,I'm The Major." He smiled and took a seat opposite her.
"What do you want." She looked at him and her heart sank.
"Nothing much I just want to know what a Chivalry egghead is doing here." He smiled like a Cheshire cat

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