Lancalot: Monk

26 1 13

11pm Taiga 1992

The jungle was dense, the soil was moist and the air was frosty.Visibility from the sky was low and reception was dreadful. Armoured convoys moved through checkpoints with ease and Russian helicopters were flying overhead for security. The British government didn't know the exact nature of the weapons payload was but if Saddam Hussein was involved it was bad with a capital B. Of course sending troops in to a Russian territory even if it was in the border is a terrible idea so they sent in two walking bushes instead.

Corporal Thatcher was barley in his twenties was under the command of Warrant Officer Mayne a grizzled veteran of the SAS. The two made up a sniper/spotter pair,the spotter will feed the sniper information such as wind direction and the distance of the target and the sniper takes the shoot. Mayne the best sniper the SAS has choosing to be the spotter, meant that Thatcher would be taking the shot.
It's almost like painting with Da Vinci looking over your shoulder.
He's known Mayne for a number of years now but he can't help but feel the pressure, aside from the fact of might happen to them if they're captured out here. But Mayne remained as calm as a monk

The pair were wearing Ghille suits to blend in with the environment and to break up their silhouette. If they play their cards right they can be spitting distance away from the enemy and they'd be none the wiser.
" Let 'em pass lad ." Mayne whispered when the two spotted two Russian guards while crawling through dense foliage. Thatcher was still tracking the two through his scope as they passed.
" I could've taken em." Thatcher whispered in frustration
" Don't have time to hide their fat arses, I swear you kids think it's all about racking up a bloody kill count from the bushes." Mayne whispered back.

" Alright lad we need to swim across." Mayne whispered and the two men entered the river becoming submerged in water than the grass they were crawling in. Coming up for air wasn't an option due to the soldiers patrolling to either side of them not to mention the gunship making constant sweeps. They just had to suffer in silence until they could come up again. They two men were told they had to stop the sale at all cots, that meant taking a shot at one of the main players. Intelligence suggested Igor Karkov would be there making the sale along with a mysterious money man, Though it's possible that Saddam will attend personally it's doubtful. Alister told them there's a mountain over a mile from the exchange so that's where the shot will be taken.

The two men crawled out of the river slowly entering foliage, Iraqi Republican Guard were about ten centimetres away from them, they could also hear dogs about twelve meters to the south east. It seemed they picked up a trace of their scent, they had to get a move on but they couldn't forget about the guards to their left that would put bullets in their head if they moved to quickly. The men controlled their breathing ensuring they weren't heard and only moved along in half inches and moving a bit mor whenever the wind would pass through. The dogs were still on their tail they had to get some distance but how.

"Sakhif ghabi alkalb."A Republican guard said before tugging the dogs leash in the opposite direction, the two men moved through the foliage at a constant speed towards Russian tanks. As soon as Thatcher takes his shoot from the vantage mountain the tanks will unleash hell on their position. There were four tanks in total, four tanks that needed C4 planted underneath them, Mayne would rig the tanks closer to the base and Thatcher would take the tanks closer to the outskirts. Once the job was don they'd meet each other at the mountain a mile out.

Mayne used the darkness provided by the night sky to slip past gapes in patrols, he slid under the first tank and planted the C4. Staying crouched he darted past patrol gaps whilst avoiding spotlights from watchtowers and the helicopter above his head until he entered a small warehouse. Mayne was tempted to shoot the Russians guarding the tank with his silenced Browning High Power but he had a schedule to keep. He took cover behind a missile stockpile until the guards turned around and began to exit. Mayne slid under the tank and planted another piece of C4.

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