Pine: Capable

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New Orleans 1976

The doctor's office was small but inviting, confused parents were sat opposite Doctor Glen. His office had a two sided mirror wall that the parents could see their son humming to himself and fiddling with a Rubix cube whilst other children did similar things, they could see members of staff running towards a child throwing a tantrum
" Lack of eye contact is one of the easiest symptoms to pick up on. " Doctor Glen said
" Is there a cure ? " Mary Pine asked looking very worried.
" Your sons condition is very rare, there have been many attempts to cure it but they've all failed. " Dr Glen replied
" Doc what about the old zappin." Governor Pine said bluntly
" Terry!" Mary snapped, Doctor Glen had something to say but he didn't want to get caught in the crossfire.

" I'm up for reelection, it's bad enough he's a dwarf coz of all your damn drinking but if word gets out he's a fucking retard I will be dragged through the damn mud." Governor Pine said aggressively.
" You know what fuck you! " Marry got up with urgency.
" I'm thinking about our future Mary, besides an electric shock is probably his best shot, especially if that humming and whispering to himself fucking stops." Governor Pine got out his chair and towered over Mary.
" I don't give a shit no one is gonna Zap my boy, I'll blow their fucking brains out !" Mary looked like she was about to grab something.
" Alright time out ! (sigh) we don't know much about this condition but one thing we do is that know electric shock therapy is no cure." Dr Glen said trying to remain calm.
" Governor your son is remarkable, he probably has more in common with Einstein than he ever will with you or me, he also has the highest IQ I've seen colleagues included and he's only six." Dr Glen said with enthusiasm.

" In time he'll get a handle on basic skills that will help in interact with others, strategies that will help him with things like eye contact and picking up on nonverbal quees,I can't say raising him will be easy but raising a genius never is,
" A genius that throws a fit when you turn the vacuum on, will only wear one shirt, keeps humming twinkle twinkle little star to himself every chance he gets and won't hug his mother hell he won't even look at me. " Mary started to sob.
"Look Doc, can our Son ever be capable of having a normal life?" Governor Pine asked
" Normal?, he's capable of so much more." Dr Glen responded turning to Henry who had solved the Rubix cube.

Pine had a private villa built just so he could stay in Rome for a week, he's not sure if the constant moving around is good for his daughter Iris but he hasn't got much of a choice. He spared no expense when it came to security, all of his guards are ex special forces and top of that and one of her dad's is still the deadliest man alive. Henry never understood how someone becomes the deadliest man alive, is there some sort of test or do people vote on it. not that any of that matters now Mikael isn't the Widow Maker anymore he's a househusband and he couldn't be happier. Pine could smell bacon and eggs, Mikael insisted Henry didn't hire any chefs. Henry got out of bed and threw his dressing gown on, it had to be custom made due to his unusual height and his sensitivity to certain fabrics.

He could see Iris playing in their massive front room, she was giggling non stop and he loved it. He could see Mikael twirling a kitchen knife whilst using the frying pan , Pine could see some of Mikael's scars on his arms because he was wearing a tank top, Pine knew that a man with that many battle scars was dangerous but all he saw was his husband who enjoys cooking and painting . On top of all that he's the most gentle man Pine knows, he just wishes he could do something about those dreadful headaches of his.
"Morning gorgeous." Henry said approaching Mikael.
"Husband, get back to bed." Mikael commanded, Henry loved his thick accent and when he bosses him around.
"Make me." Pine teased only to have Mikael kiss him on the forehead,ding dong.
They both wondered who got passed the guards outside, the ringing of the doorbell was constant.

Mikael got the door, when he opened it he didn't like who he saw.
" May I come in. " Igor Karkov asked as if Mikael had a choice, He was a quite a tall man with a missing eye he covered up with a pair of sunglasses.After Iris was moved upstairs Igor sat down opposite Pine who was faintly tapping his right cheek.
" Our partners are concerned about our plans in Mumbai Mr Pine, One of the Assassins you hired killed in Athens along with one of our allies within the CIA." Karkov said looking disappointed
" Minor setback two more will be hired to take his place, As for our dead ally in the CIA well we have many." Pine said sipping coffee.

" This is serious our partners are having doubts and when they start having doubts they'll start to back out." Karkov said sternly.
" The probability any of the will leave The Light is at 11.0789 percent." Pine said sharply, Karkov and his guards were stunned.
" Uh well I'm sure you can bring it back down to zero, Perhaps hiring the best might be ideal Even if he's a Puff." Karkov said casually as he was about to leave the Villa, Mikael was doing his best to keep his anger in but his blood boils every time he sees the man.
" Well Mister Pine I'll leave you in your sensory friendly environment, just don't disappoint you have no idea what I'm capable of." Karkov was about to leave with his guards but all of a sudden they dropped in unison,Karkov turned around to find Mikael standing over his dead guards pointing a gun at him.
" Kak ty smeyesh' Ugrozhat' yego !" Mikael shouted.
" Kod krasnyy." Karkov said calmly and Mikael froze like a statue,he even stopped blinking.
" He'll be fine, good day mister Pine." Karkov left.

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