Matt told him you are a slut and he is not into that.

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March 30, 2000

I realized I kinda liked Steven at Jenna's party. Like, we always flirt, constantly, and... hmmm... we're really good friends. That's why maybe I shouldn't go for him. Plus, he's not gorgeous. Not to say he's ugly or anything! He's far from ugly. And he has five older brothers who all look like movie stars, so when he grows up a little, he'll definitely be hot. [By the way, I was 100% correct in this prediction. He grew up to be the most attractive of all his brothers.]

It's just his mouth... there's just something about it. He has braces, and well, so do I, and so do half the people in the 8th grade! There's just something weird about his mouth that I can't put my finger on. So kissing him might not be too desirable. But I'm not sure.

I guess it's just more fun to flirt with him like I do. I like it that way. Maybe I should learn from my experiences with Tyler and not go out with my good friends. But an ideal relationship for me would be to be really good friends, so you can tell each other everything and have complete trust, and to also hook up with them. [Still true.] Anyway, I had this conversation with Tyler about it today:

Tyler: why the fuck can't i connect to the napster server? [OMG Napster. Remember how much it sucked when you had downloaded like, 95% of a file from someone and then they just canceled it? So lame.]

Me: haha i hate that. give me advice please??

Tyler: advice on what

Me: on steven! seriously, tyler

Tyler: well i've always thought that if you are good friends with a person, you should not go out with them unless you are willing to lose him/her after you break up

Me: have you really ALWAYS thought that?

Tyler: wutever

Tyler: personally after many long tiring discussions with steven i have concluded that he would not go out with you... matt told him you are a slut and he is not into that... but if i persist hard enough he will definitely go out with you... that is if i choose to persist and if you want to go out with him in the first place

Me: no i DONT want to go out with him. because i agree with you about the friends thing. 

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