I jumped out of the way as she landed flat on her face.

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November 24, 1999

After school, I went over Shauna's house with Melanie, Erin, Maggie, Gina, Stacy, Louis, Jacob, James, and Daniel. No one wanted Stacy to come. Shauna didn't even invite her, she just invited herself. So the whole time, we were all giving her dirty looks and it was fun, even though I kind of felt bad. But not that bad, cause she's just so annoying!

When we got there, we all started jumping on the trampoline. Shauna has it set up right under the roof of her porch, so you can jump off the roof onto it, and it's really fun. [And really dangerous.] Then we went inside to watch Halloween H20, a scary movie that we started watching the last time we were at Shauna's house but never got to finish. At first, I was squeezed between Gina and Melanie on the vibrating couch. [No explanation?] Jacob was sitting on the smaller couch across the room, and I wanted to be there with him.

The movie started, and Jacob got up to go to the bathroom. I immediately rushed over to the now empty couch and lay down on it, taking up the whole thing. Stacy came over and said, "Can I sit with you?" "No," I said. And that was that. Then Jacob came back and said, "Emily, you're taking up the whole couch! Where am I supposed to sit?" I sighed, as if this were a huge inconvenience for me, and curled my legs in so he could sit down at the end of the couch.

A scary part was coming up and I knew it, because this was the segment of the movie I'd seen before. I took Jacob's magazine from him and put it on the coffee table. "Watch the movie, this is a scary part!" I told him, and he obeyed. I grabbed onto his arm as the scary part began, and squeezed it every time something scary happened, hiding my face in his shoulder if I couldn't watch for a moment. He put his other hand on my elbow. The scary part was almost over, and I realized that my head was rested on his shoulder and his head was rested on my head. We sat like that for a while, and then Stacy yelled, "Okay guys, the scary part is over!"

When we got bored of the movie, we went outside again and decided to have wrestling matches on the trampoline. Some people didn't want to do it, so we made teams of the people who did: me, Jacob, and Stacy versus Melanie, Gina, and Shauna. Jacob was the only guy who wanted to fight; all the others were content just watching the girls.

I made eye contact with Shauna before we started and tilted my head toward Stacy. She nodded, understanding, and called for her team to have a huddle. "All right, go!" Shauna yelled, and she, Gina, and Melanie all charged Stacy. Jacob and I looked at each other and smiled. The people watching were cheering crazily, and I started to laugh, too. Then I decided I wanted to be involved, so I threw myself into the tangle of people on the trampoline, shouting, "Get away from Stacy! She's on my team!" all the while kicking her and hitting her "accidentally."

Gina had her in a headlock and I yelled, "Gina! Let Stacy go!" as I elbowed Stacy in the shoulder. "Ow!" she screamed. "Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you were Gina!" I said. She kind of smiled, but it was a tight-lipped smile and I knew she wanted to yell at me. She stood up and fixed her hair. Louis was standing on the ground right behind her, and so his head was level with her knees. He reached out and quickly pulled Stacy's feet towards him. She cried out and fell forward. I jumped out of the way as she landed flat on her face.

"Oh, my gosh!" I said. "Are you all right?" But I was smiling and I looked at Louis, who was also smiling. "Yes, I'm all right," Stacy mumbled. Then I was attacked from behind by Daniel, who decided to be a part of the fight. He jumped on my back and I fell to my knees, then onto my stomach. [I totally deserved that.] Soon everyone was piled on top of each other, laughing.

Eventually, the guys had to go back to Louis's house. Almost as soon as they left, my mom came to pick me up. I was glad to go, because all the girls were walking over to Stacy's house and I really didn't want to go there. Then I would have to be nice to her because I'd be at her house.

After today, I'm thinking I really like Jacob. I kind of like Tyler still, but for some reason I feel more attached to Jacob. Jacob is more honest with himself. Like, Tyler always makes a joke out of everything to convince himself it's not serious, and sometimes it's hard to hold a conversation with him. But Jacob is so easy to talk to.. I don't know. I'm going to have to think about this. [Here's something else I wish I had thought about: not encouraging everyone to torment Stacy. It's hard to read my own words describing how cruel I had been.]

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