We told the waitress it was my birthday, even though it wasn't.

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February 22, 2000

On Saturday, I went out to eat at Chili's with Laura, Maggie, Tyler, Jacob, James, and Louis. Tyler was being kind of quiet, but I had lots of bonding time with Jacob. We discovered that we both love chicken fajitas, and so we shared an order. We also told the waitress it was my birthday, even though it wasn't, so all the waiters and waitresses sang a song to me and brought me free ice cream, which was awesome. [Note: I'm not sure whether or not this trick still works at Chili's. Worth a try?]

On Sunday, I went sledding with Laura, James, and Jacob. Tyler couldn't go cause he had basketball practice. I hadn't been sledding since I was like, seven years old, and I'd forgotten how much fun it is! I managed to swipe Jacob's hat, the same one he'd been wearing at Shauna's party, and I told him I'd give it back to him that night. But I ended up having to babysit, so I still have his hat! [Let's all just take a minute and let that one sink in: someone was trusting thirteen-year-old me to be responsible for their children's lives.]

Then today, I went roller skating with Melanie. Before we left, I had called Tyler, who had Louis over his house, to see if he wanted to come. He didn't seem very enthusiastic about it at all, so I told him if he wanted to meet us there, cool, but if not, also cool. I had no faith that he would come. Melanie and I skated around a few times and quickly got bored. As we were going to put our tennis shoes back on, we bumped into Tyler and Louis, who were just coming in. I was very pleased to see that they had decided to show up! So we stayed to skate with them until they got bored, too, and then we all walked to Dunkin' Donuts. I didn't get home until about 5pm, and Melanie's dad came to get her right away. Tyler and I didn't hook up because my mouth is killing me after I just got more braces put on my back teeth. Oh, well!

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