The Cellar (26)

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Chapter 26

Lewis’ POV

I pulled up at the hotel and rubbed my eyes. I’d been driving for four hours and was tired but I couldn’t go to my room and sleep yet. It was only morning and I had so much to do yet. There had been another possible sighting of Summer so I came out here in the middle of the huge city to try and find her. All the other sightings had turned into nothing but I couldn’t just not come here in case this one was Summer.

The police search for her slowed down until it practically stopped altogether so now we have to fund it ourselves, it meant that everyone had to go back to work to get the money. I found it hard getting a job after I got out of prison but luckily someone gave me a chance and now I work part time at the local garage, not exactly where I saw myself but I really don’t care. Henry had been great when I was in prison, it was all down to him to try and get the police to focus their attention on Colin, it had taken four and a half months before they started to suspect him too.

Every single day I spent in prison I was going through everything in my head, what could we do to make them listen? I came up with different plans and theories and would go through them in detail every week with Henry when he came to visit me. I refused to let anyone else visit me, I’d hurt them enough and didn’t want them here, or to see me in here.

Michael visited quite a few times, as much as I was angry that he’d put me in here, he was still keeping me updated with everything, well as much as he could tell me, which I respected him for. He would get frustrated at first that I was so fixed on Colin but two days before I got out he started to listen, apparently they had noticed a few discrepancies in his statement against David Smith and after speaking to his work colleagues they started to consider that he might have actually had something to do with Summer’s disappearance. When I got out it was so hard not to get too involved but I knew now that if we had any chance of finding her then I needed to stay away from Colin and let the police investigate.

Not much changed to my routine except that I had to go to work for four and a half hours in the morning before I started searching for Summer or following sightings all over the country. Henry usually came with me but he couldn’t get the time off work and he needed to keep his job, funding the search isn’t cheap even with the donations and volunteers.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Dad to let him know I was here safe and was about to start asking around and showing her picture to everyone. “Paul’s just been on the phone to Michael and they’re going round to Colin’s today, they can get a warrant if needed to,” Dad said, sounding really positive.

I tried not to get my hopes up. “Really? When? Call me as soon as you hear something,” I mumbled quickly. My heart was beating too fast and the urge to get in the car and go back right now was overwhelming. What if they find her and I’m not there? But then what if they find nothing and she’s here?

“Of course I will and you be careful and let us know if you find anything.”

“I will thanks,” I said as I ended the call and took a deep breath. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders, they were going to search his house.

I still wanted to go back but I forced myself to check into my room. I asked everyone in the hotel if they’d seen her and feeling a little deflated after they all said no I went out onto the streets. I planned to stay here three nights, usually I just go straight home or just spend one night but this city was huge and I knew I’d need more time.

I stopped people in the streets, going into any shops, cafes, restaurants and hotels that I passed. With every no I felt my heart drop a little more. Sometimes it felt hopeless, she could be absolutely anywhere by now, it’s been eight months.

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