The Cellar (9)

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Chapter 9

Summer’s’ POV

My head was pounding by the time I had finished throwing up. I wiped my tears away with shaking hands and sat back against the wall, closing my eyes and trying to slow my breathing down. How can he just kill someone? She hadn’t done anything wrong but the hate in his eyes for her was terrifying. I couldn’t get the image of her lifeless body lying on the floor; I can still hear her screams ringing in my ears.

“Lily?” I jumped at the sound of the name they call me. My heart slowed down slightly when I realised it was Poppy. “Lily, can I come in?” I pushed myself up off the floor and stumbled to the door. “It’s okay now,” she said soothingly as she hugged me tight. Her body was so tense, she didn’t believe it was okay at all. Something about him was different, I haven’t been here long and even I’ve noticed that he is more violent now. She rubbed my arms and it took me a while to realise that I was shaking hard and had goosebumps covering my arms.

 I couldn’t go back into that room and see her lying in a black body bag. The smell of bleach and lemon hit me and I almost gagged but at least the smell of her blood had gone. I stepped back so I was further into the bathroom. “I-I can’t do this,” I sobbed onto Poppy’s shoulder.

“Shh I know. Why don’t you have a shower now and get an early night.” She spoke so softly, it was like she was talking to a child. I nodded, grateful that she wasn’t going to try and make me go out there. She walked out for a minute and I leant against the wall and pictured Lewis’ face to try and make myself calm down. “Here,” Poppy said as she came back into the room and handed me some pyjamas and a towel.

“Thank you.” I barely recognised my own voice; it was so hoarse from being sick and crying so much. Poppy smiled and walked out. I immediately locked the door as I knew he would come back in to get her body. I sat down in the shower and let the warm water hit my body, mixing with my tears.

I finally got out and wrapped the fluffy towel around myself. After I changed into my pyjamas I sat back on the floor, not wanting to be in that room ever again. I closed my eyes and thought of Lewis, the last day we spent together before all this happened was perfect, I was so happy.

“So do you wanna go out tonight?” he asked hopefully, conveniently forgetting that we were both going out with our friends tonight, separately.

“Yes I do...With Jess, Maria and Ethan,” I said, giggling quietly. He wanted us to do something tonight but I’d promised to watch my friends’ band and Henry was making Lewis go out as he’d spent most of his time with me lately, I wasn’t complaining, I loved spending time with him but we still needed to do things with our friends.

He groaned and rolled over so he was facing me. “Fine if you don’t want to spend the night with me,” he said teasingly, pouting.

“Nope, I’m actually a little bored of you now.” I shrugged my shoulders and really tried not to smile.

“Oh, you’re bored!” He grabbed my hands and raised them over my head as he rolled on top of me. “Well I’ll have to change that,” he mumbled against my skin as he kissed down my neck, making it really hard for me to keep pretending.

My heart was going crazy and I had butterflies in my tummy. “Yeah, I’m still bored,” I said breathlessly. He saw through the lie immediately and chuckled, biting my neck playfully.

“You wanna get lunch? You know if you’re abandoning me tonight?”

I rolled my eyes, “I’d love to. Ooh you can take me to that expensive Italian place!”

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