The Cellar (8)

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Chapter 8

Summer’s POV

I climbed into bed, pulled the cover up over my head and squeezed my eyes shut. I could almost pretend I was in my bed at home.

“Night girls,” Rose said as she turned off the lamp. Me and Poppy both said goodnight and I curled up into a ball, trying to make myself as small as possible as I drifted off to sleep.

I was sitting under my favourite tree at the edge of the river, watching the leaves slowly floating down stream. It was so peaceful here, the sun was setting but the air was still warm. I needed to get away from my family for a while; we’d spent the whole day arguing about what I should do after school. I wanted to go to college and study Drama but my parents want me to do A levels as they don’t think acting is a ‘proper’ career!

I sighed and laid down, closing my eyes and wiping a stray tear from my face. I knew they only wanted what was best for me but they needed to let me decide. I heard someone walking towards me but I didn’t move or even open my eyes, I knew it was Lewis. He laid down beside me and grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. I sighed happily as my heart raced at feeling his skin against mine.

We laid there in silence for what seemed like hours, I was so comfortable around him, there was never awkward silence between us. “What do you think I should do?” I whispered. He let go of my hand and pulled me closer to him. I rolled onto my side and laid my head on his chest, throwing my arm and leg over his body.

“Do whatever makes you happy.” I knew he would say something like that. He was so sweet and always supported me; no matter what it was I wanted to do.

“But what do you think?” I tilted my head so I could look at him. Seeing the love in his eyes made my heart skip a beat.

“I think you should go to college.”

I smiled, “Because that’s what I want?” He nodded, grinning as he stroked my hair. “Don’t you think I should do the stupid A levels first?”

“Nope. That won’t make you happy. I know that’s what your parents want and to be honest I couldn’t care less what they want, all I care about is you so go to college. I’ll help with your parents, I’m sure they’ll come around eventually.” His speech melted my heart. That was so sweet. I buried my head in the crook of his neck, kissing the skin. His arms tightened around me slightly and I smiled to myself knowing he loved that.

“Thank you, Lewis.”

“Anytime.” He kissed the top of my head and stroked my arm, giving me goosebumps. “I love you Sum,” he whispered as the sun disappeared behind the horizon.

I rolled over and stretched my arm out, reaching for Lewis. I opened my eyes when I couldn’t find him. I jumped up, sitting against the wall. Where the hell was I? Suddenly it all came flooding back to me. I bit my lip as my eyes started to sting. I quickly laid down and buried my head in the pillow, crying silently until the pillow was soaking wet. Eventually I fell back asleep.

“Lily,” Poppy said softly as she gently shook my arm. I was awake but I couldn’t move, and I didn’t want to. “Come on you need to have a shower, Clover will be here in thirty minutes...Lily?” My name is Summer!!

I sighed in defeat and got out of bed. I couldn’t stay in bed and dream of Lewis like I wanted because he wouldn’t let me, and I was too scared of what he would do. Poppy and Rose were already dressed and had started cleaning the cellar even though we had done it last night so there was no way it could be dirty.

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