~Chapter 47~

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After so long, going back to the same place with the same hopes and the same tinge of nervousness plus excitement felt like waking up after a bad nightmare that could only exist in movies and books. But alas, real life is not far behind in crushing your dignity by making you feel rejected, dejected and whatever.

It had been a week since that episodic incident by Mr. Miller which was a good thing because Shivaay's leg was beginning to heal as well.

As my pumps clanked against the pristine tiles of the ZAE inc., I was taken back to my first day and how I had been beyond happy. Today was no less because the goofy grin on my face held a certain amount of magic but I knew better than to jinx it all so I was trying to be cautious.

While I was walking toward the elevators, I had half expected the receptionist to stop me but she didn't. On the contrary, she smiled at me, not a single ounce of surprise showed on her face. Maybe she must have been informed beforehand or maybe she never even noticed me gone because who could keep track of so many employees.

Then I gulped internally because who wouldn't have noticed me gone? I was basically travelling almost everywhere through the media channels. A small giggle escaped my lips as I thought about it.

Once inside the elevator, I tried to notch down my joy. Just yesterday, I had received an email from this very institution. I don't know who wrote that because it was a company email but I was asked inside the CEO's office.

I had called Skye yesterday to ask him about it but he was being very vague and didn't give me a proper, legit answer.

So here I was, standing in front of the CEO office and holding tightly onto my side bag. I was not going to knock at first, thinking it would be Skye inside but I decided against it. What if he has company?

As soon as I knocked on the door, I heard a gruff voice saying, "Come in."

I stilled almost immediately because that wasn't Skye's voice even though I recognized the familiarity of it. It was Mr. Williams and the hair on my arms took that exact moment to stand on the edge as if electrocuted. I was nervous, to say the least.

Gulping thickly, I slowly turned the knob and walked in. I held my breath as I was hit by the fresh air conditioning smell. My eyes immediately landed on Mr. Williams, who was smiling at me fondly. I smiled back at him before shifting my gaze to Ms. Maxwell. She was sitting in front of him and as usual, she was poised with her professional expression.

"Good morning, Ms. Jones." Ms. Maxwell gave me a short nod.

"Good morning, Ms. Maxwell," I mumbled awkwardly. "Good morning… sir," I said, this time looking at Mr. Williams whose smile widened.

"Morning, Ms. Jones. Morning. I am sorry if you weren't expecting me." He laughed good naturedly.

His light hearted smile loosened my bunched up muscles. I didn't say anything and just gave him a small smile. I was glad that my professionalism restrained me from blabbering something nonsense. However, what was embarrassing was that he knew I was expecting someone else.

"Please take a seat, Ms. Jones," he told me while waving his fingers at the empty chair beside Ms. Maxwell.

I sat down but I was still clueless as to what this meeting meant. Before coming in here, I thought that it was just Skye asking me to meet him but now I couldn't be too sure. Did Mr. Williams intend to… hire me back again? It was a far-fetched thought, though I didn't stop hoping for it.

"Okay then, John. Ms. Jones." Ms. Maxwell exhaled a deep breath. "I'll leave you both to it."

Mr. Williams nodded at her and when I closely looked at Ms. Maxwell, it was as if she was… tired. I wanted to ask her but I knew better than that. She's too proudy to agree to that. I tried to catch another look at her but she was out of the cabin within seconds. Weird but not out of character for her, I thought dismissively.

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