~Chapter 16~

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Today was a really bright day or maybe it was just my happy sight. The small smile on my face was inevitable and permanent.

The entire department was bustling with chatter, clamors and tapping of the keyboard, pens or fingers on the desk. All of this commotion was the cause of the near end of our advertising campaign. Everyone was putting in their very best efforts to make it remarkable and successful.

Ms. Maxwell's office was continuously occupied and the door was pushed open every two seconds. I was preparing a spreadsheet about the entire campaign and it was too much of a "headache" work but I felt calm. At peace because I couldn't stop replaying my kiss on Skye's cheek.

Every time my mind would conjure up that image, a signal was sent to my heart at that exact moment to beat at an abnormal rate while the butterflies in my stomach would amplify.

I hadn't gotten the time to properly have a conversation with Chelsea because the designing team was called together to choose or reject whatever they wanted.

I was brought out of my reverie when I saw someone's hand on my desk through my peripheral vision. My eyes trailed it all the way to their face. It was Samantha and truth be said, I was getting tired of seeing her face. She didn't do anything to me personally but every time she has come here, she's been the messenger. Always bearing the bad news.

"Jones, be honest with me. Are you getting promoted or something?" She asked me dubiously. There was not an ounce of playfulness in her voice. She was being serious.

I wanted to scoff at her question so hard because it was a far cry from that. It couldn't even be possible, especially since I just got left off with a warning. 

My eyes widened when a theory, more likely what has happened in actuality hit me. What if Ms. Maxwell knows about that kiss? Which is why she's sent Samantha to call me again?

"I highly doubt that," I told her earnestly.

My eyebrows were both lifted up, causing creases to form on my forehead. My hands were slightly shaking which she seemed to notice as well. I placed them on my desk flatly to look somewhat unknowing. "Are you okay, sweetie?" Her motherly instinct kicked in and I almost caved in but I knew how risky it could get.

"No. I'm-I'm fine. Just stressed out, that's all," I replied with a phoney smile.

She nodded her head. "Okay but if you scared of getting a promotion, thinking it might be too much work then, chillax. On the contrary, it's so much fun because you get nothing much to do except for during the campaigns 'cause it's the biz time, y'know?"

"Yeah," I agreed, not really caring about what she's saying. Her words didn't put me at ease because I had a bad feeling of getting fired, let alone being handed a cool promotion. My eyes were blurring a bit but I blinked them quickly.

"All right, I gotta go now. Ms. Maxwell's pretty pissed today and she had filled her mug more than ten times the entire time I was in there. So, you better make a move too because she's asked for you. Forgot to tell you the real thing, sorry." She laughed heartily and scurried off toward her cabin.

All of a sudden, my happiness paled and the gloom fell upon me. The bad feeling resurfaced and I understood what it meant. It meant my doomsday.

"And like I always say, I hate to repeat myself." Ms. Maxwell's brick built voice echoed in my head. I did exactly what she didn't want me to do. I not only disappointed her but myself as well.

I made my way to her office after gaining some strength through my 'good for nothing' pep talks and knocked on her door feebly.

"Come in," she snapped. It was as if she knew that I was on the other side. Pushing open the door, I saw her head leaning on her steepled fingers.

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