~Chapter 45~

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After that one bone chilling gunshot and Skye's panicky voice, I stood still. I could feel the stares of my friends boring holes into me but it was like everything around me was an annoying whisper even though it was eerily silent.

"Skye." And that's when I realized that I was crying. I could taste the saltiness of my tears because of my parted lips.

"Hey, Val, you need to-"

Before they influenced my mind with some assuring thoughts, I descended through that rickety ladder. I couldn't waste another second staring into space and imagining the worst case scenario.

Braving my heart and everything, I ran toward the front of the warehouse like a cheetah. Or maybe I was the deer because I sure felt like a prey right now.

"Valerie, wait! You need to think this through," Keith said, blocking my path and panting loudly like that short sprint drained the energy out of him.

"What's there to think?" I asked him incredulously but my voice was a mere shaky whisper. "Are you guys coming or not?" I turned to face the others. It wasn't their fault that I had carelessly followed a guy who was stalking me. Though, I was unaware that he was actually leading me to the vulture himself. I thought I'd corner him just like I did to Rick Stile but apparently that wasn't the case.

"I have an idea," Keith proposed, noticing my impatient look. "You go ahead alone, Valerie. We'll be right behind you. But not really. We'll come ten or so minutes later for the surprise element and also to make things convincing like - like we left or stuff like that. Plus, we need to call the police. I am saying this so that we can take our weapons and attack them because… pizza is God." He lifted up his fisted hand.

"The only thing Mr. Miller and I agree on," Shivaay muttered to himself, rolling his eyes.

"I know, right?" Chelsea laughed but stopped abruptly when she saw my face.

I just nodded my head because I was still scared about what would have happened to Skye.

This is all my fault and I can't help but blame myself for it.

"Okay, guys." With that, I jogged ahead and toward the metal door. Once in front of it, I mumbled the password and it opened, making an animalistic growl.

Before the door had even opened, it was as if all sets of eyes were on me because the moment I walked inside, I almost succumbed. I didn't look at anyone because my eyes unconsciously landed on Skye first. My gaze slowly roved over his body anxiously to check for any injuries but he had none. He wasn't harmed in any way.

That's when I realized that this was a bait and my eyes trailed ahead to see Mr. Miller pointing his gun at Skye.

My heart stuttered when I saw Skye giving me an assuring smile but it didn't work for me. Not this time when he was being held at gunpoint.

"Where are the others?" Mr. Miller asked. I knew that the question was directed at me and when I glanced at him, he seemed ready to combust. If there were any graphics to show his emotions then I'd say a burning storm fledging behind him would do.

My eyes widened because I didn't even think about it in depth. Keith did tell me to lie that my friends left but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to utter it out loud. Maybe I was still feeling numb. My lips were tightly sealed but if I would open them, they would be wide agape in fear. What am I supposed to say to that?

"Joseph…" Skye's voice had taken a venomous notch and even a highly mentally challenged person could say that he was mad mad. "The deal only included Valerie, didn't it? It's not others' fault, then leave them alone."

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