
@PFTaylor I look forward to seeing your more serious pieces and will look at what you have there now too.


Stopped back by leaving another inbox


@Amuse-bouche Thanks first for taking the time to check out my poetry blog and for reading that poem All Dolled Up. I just visited my mother who is in a nursing home now and recently turned 85. She doesn't remember so well so this poem does some of that for her. It means a lot to me that you took the time to read it and had such a favourable response. Keep posting your own poems I have been enjoying them.


Hello Robert, I have not been to your page for awhile, so I had to come and do some reading.  I pulled up that link you have above on your profile, which led to the page where "All dolled up" was featured...I really enjoyed the tenderness and honesty of this poem.  You were absolutely spot on in particular with the closing part about our memories...Lovely work as always..!