91% of girls would be dead if Justin Beiber decided breathing wasn't cool. 
97% of girls would be crying if Justin Beiber was on top of a skyscraper about to jump.
If you are one of the 3% sitting on a deckchair with popcorn, screaming, 'Yeah! Do a flip!' Like me, then put this on your profile.

/ \
This is bob...
Copy and paste him every where you can.
Soon he will take over the world O.o

Four girls are talking. The first girl says "Team Edward or Team Jacob?" The second girl says "Totally Team Edward." The third girl says "Team Jacob all the way!" The fourth girl says," Pfft. I'm on Team Percy Jackson." (Post this on your profile if you are the fourth girl.)


║██║♫ Paste this on
║██║♫ your page if♫
║ (O) ♫you love♫
╚══╝♫ music♫
  • JoinedMay 11, 2013