
“Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.”
          	-J.K. Rowling


Lol you're picture! I don't know why, but I saw it and my mind immediately assumed that the top of your head was part of the picture on the cover. 
          So somehow, the top of Jace's head is huge.
          I dunno. 
          My mind's messed up.
          I'll have a one-to-one chat with it later. Don't worry.
          But anyyywhoooo
          All random idiocy aside, thanks for the follow!
          I can't guarantee you won't get random, strange messages (I just write messages. And send them to my fans. I don't know why. Probably has something to do with the messed-up weirdo living in my skull. Yeah, let's blame her. Not me. Bad psycho.)
          So now I've forgotten what this message was meant to be about. Wait a sec while I scroll up...
          Thanks for the fan. Come say hi whenever you want you beautiful, beautiful person, and uh....
          don't report me to the police. 
          I may or may not be a secret ninja-assassin working for an underground organization of evil cat-aliens. 
          And again I've forgotten what...
          You know what, Ima stop now before this goes on for even longer.
          Byeee <2   (because <3 is just waaay too mainsteam xD)