
Hey guys! I updated 'Way' Beyond Forever! Check out the newest chapter :)


this message may be offensive
Hey, Um I really loved your book and I thought, "huh, a witch in twilight, Um FUCK YES". Then I thought, "I wonder if the author would let me make a similar story". So, here's me asking permission to use your idea in a book. not the same people and not completely the same chapters, just like a witch go into the twilight world. sorry for the long message, but I didn't wanna use your idea without permission.


Hey I'm back to using this! =D Wattpad is really different nowadays, I'mma try to soak up all the new stuff before I inevitably lose my motivation to write and take another 2 year hiatus being the living impersonation of a tendencially-depressed-complaints-book taken from a low-cost airline company.