
cyber bullying or any bullying has to stop. It's really not a joke! Sorry about ranting about this but I need to say it. So many kids all over have been committing suicide. People make jokes but it does hurt some kids! They are afraid to reach out and get help because they think they are gonna be made fun of. But it is a serious problem. Some kids at my school make jokes when we talk about this stuff but it isn't funny. It makes a huge impact on these kids and their families. If you go to this youtube channel: missszwan you can watch a movie called cuberbully. It is really heartwarming and several parts made me cry. Ok rant over!


will you please check out my fanfic? im kinda new to wattpad. Ive just recently finished my fanfic forever in a season and it would mean so much if you checked it out. could leave a comment on the chapter you like or things I need to fix? Thanks in advance