
          	Who doesn't love a few poems here & there. I want to read them, but I want to finish the ones in my library first. well, until the story stops. I should re-write the 'interested' folder into 'going to read' folder. so it doesn't make me feel guitly.


I also am upset about this. She must of had some reason to just up and leave, but when I saw that all of her stories along with her account were just gone, I was heartbroken. I really enjoyed her stories, and I hope she does come back or tells us how she is. Hopefully she's okay and nothing horrible happened. And if something did happen then I can just hope for the best for her.


I don't recall this one, I'm sorry! I hope someone helps you find it, I know how much it sucks to search for an old story you loved


@xXStarGazerXx was her story about the werewolf that saved her in an alley but she's his mate and she tries to escape him? in this world the humans fear the werewolf  (and for good reason ). she runs away to Europe and is hiding from him and it takes him months to find her? please anyone tell me if this rings a bell. my sister deleted it from my Wattpad account and I cannot find it its been like 2 years and I'm still searching for it please if you have the answers tell me to ease my broken mind thank you


hey!! I've read your 'about me' and I have the exact same emotions. I raaly hate when they delete a perfectly great story!! I've read her other book 'Feral Domination' also but this one had a special place in my heart. Do you know what happened? she just disappeared! It was a really sweet love story and i looked forward to reading it everyday. It's such a waste :(!!


Did you read all of 'Feral Domination' because I was reading it to, till it disappeared and I did not think it was complete yet. I agree with your sentiments though why could she have not a least left an author note explaining that she was leaving.


Hi! I've read your post about the story "The Girl behind The Camera". So that explains why I can no longer see the story. T___T I haven't even finished reading it. Have you?


Hmmmmm. If I remember it right, the chapter where the other soul bound (if soul bound is right haha i forgot the term) appears, the girl who follows Zahid everywhere. Hmm am I making a sense? Haha. How about you?


No, I haven't. That's what makes me more sad! T___T How far did you get?