
Hi friend 
          	You're welcome :D I really do like the story. I'm up to part 60ish now.
          	The story is really good. I enjoy reading your work. 
          	My only question is, why have you used the phrase "I rasped" so many times ? Does it have something to do with the risen and how their throats are ? i'm very curious about that :) 
          	Thanks for answering and please keep up the good work :)


Hi! Thank you so much for reading Enhancement. I appreciate it so much and hope you're enjoying :)
          PS: you read really fast lol! That's actually pretty cool :)


@scifiwriter Thanks for writing it ! I really enjoyed the book and I hope you write more !
            And yes I've been told that by my friends as well :)


Hi friend 
          You're welcome :D I really do like the story. I'm up to part 60ish now.
          The story is really good. I enjoy reading your work. 
          My only question is, why have you used the phrase "I rasped" so many times ? Does it have something to do with the risen and how their throats are ? i'm very curious about that :) 
          Thanks for answering and please keep up the good work :)