
Hello my dearests,
          	I’m ecstatic to announce the release of Chapter 32! This one has been a long time coming, I know. 
          	I hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please take the time to read the Author’s Note, and leave suggestions and comments! I always love to take constructive criticism or any feedback you have, because this is not my story, but ours. 
          	I love you all, and I will see you soon (hopefully before Christmas… ;))
          	- Maya xx


"W-what is he?"
          "He's a vampire," Vampire, I'd normally laugh at a word like that but now, I couldn't.
          "What'd he want with me?" I said, low.
          "I don't know," He muttered.
          "When I saw him, I knew what he was, I started following him around and tonight he..."
          "Why didn't you just call the police? You had no right to take matters into your own hands!"
          "Do you think the police would believe me if I told them there was a vampire stalking you? They would think I'm crazy! I did what I had to do to protect you." He yelled, I flinched.


Hello my dearests,
          I’m ecstatic to announce the release of Chapter 32! This one has been a long time coming, I know. 
          I hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please take the time to read the Author’s Note, and leave suggestions and comments! I always love to take constructive criticism or any feedback you have, because this is not my story, but ours. 
          I love you all, and I will see you soon (hopefully before Christmas… ;))
          - Maya xx


Hello friends, 
          It’s been a while, I know. But I can proudly say that I am back with 2 chapters and a 3rd one on the way! We’re about halfway or more through the story and I intend to take it to the very end of the journey ;) 
          It’s been nearly 3 years since this story has begun, and while 82k reads may not seem like all that much in the greater scheme of things, I am extremely proud of this book and extremely overwhelmed by the support that I have gotten over the last 3 years. It’s definitely been a rollercoaster, there have been many ups and downs and hiatuses, but I’m confident that I can be consistent in my efforts, even if I need to take a month to release a few more each time. 
          Thank you for sticking with me; for being a comfort to the madness of my life, and for believing in me, Ally and James. 
          I love you all.
          - Maya  


@Meraki180 thank you for your support, it means the absolute world to me. I hope you enjoy the new chapter! <3


@Maya_Summers i m sooo glad that u are back . Finding u has a special place in my heart .....i m definitely looking frwd as to where this book leads me ....


To my followers, 
          I can’t tell you how much I miss writing. It feels like a part of me is missing without it. I know I’ve been gone for a long time without an explanation and I feel like you guys deserve one. 
          This year has been nothing short of crazy so far. I’m completing my final year, and I’ve been studying and working so much that I just can’t find the time anymore. 
          The time that I do have has been taken up by a certain someone that I’ve met along the way.. <3
          I know that I need to give you guys the ending and journey of James and Ally that you guys deserve however, I can’t promise that it will be any time in the near future. But, if you guys can hold off a bit longer, perhaps I could close Ally and James’ book off more resolved, sensible and beautiful as I had been planning for almost 2 years now (2 years in September — sounds insane!!) 
          I hope you understand and that you will be patient with me as I try to make everybody happy — including myself. 
          Thank you for your constant support and love, for 72k reads and for (nearly) 3k votes. I love you all so dearly and I keep you in my heart always. 
          Until we hear from each other again, all my love and wishes for this year xx —
          — Maya :)


To my favourite people,
          I’m back, and with a new chapter! It’s short but it’s something. Please read the A/N underneath. It explains a bit of why I’ve been so absent these past few months. I hope you guys will forgive me, and that you’ll take this chapter with hope that I’m trying my best to balance myself again. 
          Enjoy Chapter 29, I love you all. <3 
          - Maya Summers 


Hey guys! 
          I’m really sorry I haven’t been active these past few weeks. Everything has been really hectic with work and things, I didn’t think that it would be a good idea to add writing to my list of stresses because then the chapter would be all rushed and quite frankly, a piece of crap (which I obviously did not want). 
          With that being said, I just wrote the most stressful one and now I have some free time on my hands so hopefully one will be coming your way soon :)
          Thank you for 60k reads! I didn’t even realize it until today which is absolutely bonkers. I love every single one of you — thank you for your continuous support. 
          Catch you in a jiffy ;)
          - Maya xx


@Maya_Summers Any updates on the new chapter??


@Maya_Summers Hope things clear up soon! But seriously tho. I need that update. But take your time. But not too much time.


My dear children,
          You will all be pleased to know that Chapter 28 Part 2 is officially OUT! Go and check it out, as well as vote, comment and share Finding You to other Wattpadians! Enjoy the rest of your day :) 
          Links -
          FY Chapter 28 Pt. 1:
          I love you all!
          - Maya xx


Hey guys!
          Okay, I did it. It didn't take much convincing lol, so here it is! My Instagram name is @notmayasummers - I'll start getting everything set up soon with highlights and things but until then, there's one post up for now explaining what the account will be used for. 
          Thank you to everybody who replied to Chapter 28's questions!
          Here are the links to -
          FY Chapter 28 Pt. 1:
          Have a lovely day further,
          Maya <3


Hey my lovelies,
          I had a bunch of time on my hands this past week, so I figured I'd catch up in order to publish one sooner than you guys normally expect. Little did I know, it would be only a week since I last published! My treat as a little thank you for 50k reads. <3
          Please, PLEASE read the Author's Note. I have questions that I need you to reply to and they're quite urgent. Thank you for all the love! Sending hugs your way :)
          FY Chapter 28 Pt. 1:
          - Maya xx